Something New In North Dakota

North Dakota holds the US temperature record outside of the desert southwest.  It was 121F at Steele, ND on July 6, 1936.  But DNYUZ says hot weather there is something new.

Sizzling Day in North Dakota? Lately, It’s No Surprise. – DNyuz

North Dakota USHCN stations have recorded temperatures over 100F on 3,969 occasions. This year there have been none.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Something New In North Dakota

  1. Russell Cook says:

    Leave it to our propaganda friends at Yale Climate Connections to offer up their “nothing to see here, move along . . . . . because Dust Bowl!” spin of 1930s record temps.
    “Why were the 1930s so hot in North America?”
    Subheading: “Climate skeptics sometimes point to heat records from that decade to dismiss the reality of global warming. They’re leaving out crucial context.”

    Excerpts: ” …. The critical context that’s typically left out is that the 1930s were the decade of the Dust Bowl — the grim result of relentless overplowing of the Great Plains followed by natural oceanic cycles that favored a multiyear drought ….
    …. Richard Seager of Columbia University and colleagues found through computer modeling that the landscape degradation of the Dust Bowl interacted with an ocean-forced drought, intensifying the hot pattern and shifting it poleward. And a 2022 modeling study led by Gerald Meehl of the National Center for Atmospheric Research found that the Dust Bowl landscape may have helped to propagate heat extremes across other parts of the Northern Hemisphere”

  2. Bob G says:

    it’s nothing but propaganda. I travel on business to North Dakota often and western North Dakota can get very hot. we’ve had very little hot weather in Minnesota and North Dakota this year. Minneapolis and St Cloud have had only hit 90 degrees once this year and Fargo only a few times. but the following story pales in comparison propaganda wise. Sunday evening our local NBC affiliate TV station aired the following 2 minute video apparently produced by NBC News and a fellow named Chase Cain. Cain is at the Republican convention in Milwaukee and he made the claim that 70% of wisconsinites understand the reality of global warming. then Mr Cain waves his hands frantically as he shows videos of Wisconsin flooding over recent years. apparently the claim is we’ve never had severe flooding before CO2 levels went up. does NBC really think people are that dumb? floods have killed tens of thousands of people over thousands of years of History.

    • Bob G says:

      oops…. senior moment… or is it the heat? 🙂 my 5:11 post should say…. the story pales in comparison to the following story, propaganda wise (the NBC propaganda)

  3. Bob G says:

    the magical powers of the one part of 10,000 of CO2 can’t be understated. if you check the video link in my previous post you will see it causes flooding. we’ve also seen that the magical one part causes drought in California too. probably caused the Ukraine war and Joe Biden’s poor debate performance too. 🙂

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