Eleven days ago, BBC presenter David Aaronovitch called for the assassination of President Trump.

BBC’s David Aaronovitch calls on Biden to have Trump ‘murdered’

Now he claims he didn’t say it.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to The BBC

  1. Conrad Ziefle says:

    Just having said that should have gotten him fired. Now it should get him jail time.

  2. Bob G says:

    Trump was lucky tonight. sadly some of his supporters weren’t. no doubt they were shot by a mentally ill man who was influenced by the over-the-top rhetoric of many on the left – politicians and those MSNBC types who falsely claim that Trump is an existential threat to all things good and decent. they can’t debate the issues so they have to one up each other with name calling

    • arn says:

      Trump is an existential threat to the western Oligarchies globalist plans.

      It is no coincidence that things are getting so heated – be it Ukraine,Taiwan,
      Georgia or internally or internally with mass invasions(Cloward Piven Strategy),destruction of energy and economy, instrumentalisation of FBI , justice system , Big Tech,MSM,viruses,forced vaccinations etc etc.

      Your country is full of mass murderes
      and for every reason to assassinate Trump there are 10000 reasons to wipe out mass murderes Biden, Obama, Bush – yet noone is ever going after them.

      A few weeks ago Jimmy Dore had a video(CiA targeted Alex Jones) about a CiA operative(Gavin O’Blennis) on hidden cam talking about how easy it is for them to ecourages and influence potential terrorists and assassins when they need it.

  3. Disillusioned says:

    When I first heard President Trump had been the subject of an assassination attempt from a nearby building rooftop, my initial thoughts were, ‘All nearby buildings would have been thoroughly swept… THAT was not the action of just one lone sniper’ (which is what will very likely be in the news soon enough).

    Anyone with the ability to fog a mirror knows that The Team really, really don’t want DJT to be POTUS again. Several days ago, Mike commented that an assassination attempt was next, or war, as I and others have similar concern.

    • arn says:

      You just need to take a look at all those recent major miracles that happened during
      the last 4- 5 years in favor of globalists.

      Starting with a president who was elected because he campaigned for peace and went to war (Woodrow Wilson of the east).
      The 2019 Rand corporation plan to overextend Russia with a Ukraine war and getting rid of North Stream.
      The same year oligarchies Event 201 event happened including Blackrocks plan for a global emergency – which was followed by the FED .
      A demented geezer winning 2020 election after counting of votes was stopped.
      Mass Imprisonment of people who did nothing on Jan 6th while at the same time people who burned down whole blocks were not persecuted.
      Imran Khan was removed (and shot several times) after he announced that the CiA is trying to remove him.
      Mass Invasion of every single western country.
      Hundreds of charges against a former US president.
      Japanese antiVax top politician assassinated.
      Conservative slovak president shot several times.
      1st time in French history the party that won the first round of the election lost the 2nd round (similarities to 2020 US election are coincidental 🙂

      And then we have millions of military aged invaders waiting to get armed by the same people who are importing them.

  4. Squidly says:

    No David, you endangered yourself by saying it.

  5. dm says:

    MULTIPLE US “news outlets” also spoke loudly about the possibility of a president murdering a political rival. They include:
    The Washington Post
    The Nation
    ABC News

    3 US Supreme Court justices also told the public about the possibility.

    Such BS might cause a crazed individual to self identify as the president’s official shooter and …

  6. Disillusioned says:

    There is no more perfect example of a cabal double standard than this. The whole world has watched this double standard play out. Combined with the lawfare gauntlet President Donald Trump has gone through, anyone who will not/cannot acknowledge this glaring reality, has either been living feral in the wilderness, or has zero integrity and can never be trusted. Gorging on MSNBS, CBS, CNNBS, ABCBS, BBCBS, etc., is not aan acceptable reason. The entire world watched and all know what that man has endured.

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