The Cost Of Net Zero

“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.”
– Richard Feynman

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to The Cost Of Net Zero

  1. Bob G says:

    check out this headline: “4 hottest days ever observed raise fears of a planet nearing ‘tipping points’. In my opinion the cult has a new trick. since record high temperatures are rarely happening, the new trick is to go by the average temperature of the day. that way they can get their high number because the urban heat islands stay warm in the evening. I live near a metro area of about 100,000. about 9:00 p.m. last evening it was 87 degrees dead center in that metro area. my home is a few miles away from the city in a largely unpopulated corner and once we got home the temperature was only 82. so the temperature dropped 5° in 6 miles in 10 minutes. bye bye tipping point. we still have only hit 90 twice this year in central Minnesota.

    • arn says:

      Even if it was the 4 hottest days ever observed – it means absolutely nothing.
      We only have a hundred years + of reliable data,
      and only for a very limited region of the planet,
      compared to hundreds years of climate.

      There is absolutely no proof,not even an indicator that this kind of weather can cause some kind of tipping point – it actually never did.
      No matter how hot it was or how how high co2 was,it never
      caused a heat age.
      A climate so fragile that a 0.01% something can disrupt 5000 trillion
      tons of air atmosphere does not exist in this universe,
      and if – there would be no complex life possible under such instable conditions
      and our climate would have reached and passed this tipping point hundreds of millions of years ago
      (btw is there even a single thing in this world where such a low 0.01%
      tolerance exist?
      Even the standard tolerance of machining applications should be around
      0.1mm – and our climate became the super high precision machining of
      science in the 80ies 🙂

  2. Robertvd says:

    The Cost Of Net Zero

    Brainwashed kids. The Climate Jugend and Green Shirts.

  3. Bill Odom says:

    Those two should be publicly SPANKED, and then pick up litter until they have each accumulated enough pay to reimburse the museum for the cost of restoring the painting, plus an adequate fine for the crime. If their parents were knew of their plotting, they should pay the same penalty, sans spanking.

  4. John B says:

    Well explained Tony. The same in Australia, where this winter has been coincidental with little wind to give us very little energy input into the electrical grid. Luckily, we still have a few coal fired power stations left to take up the slack. But once they blow them up, it will mean cold winter nights for us.
    June wind output.

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