Messing With Texas

Texas temperatures peaked between 1900 and 1930, but NOAA tampers with the data to turn a long term cooling trend into a warming trend. Two thirds of the data they use in their “final adjusted” dataset is now fake.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Messing With Texas

  1. Disillusioned says:

    Tony, you’re on a roll! 😀

  2. Bob G says:

    if Trump wins, and that’s no lock with all the potential for cheating, he needs to clean house… just like Elon Musk did with Twitter. send the fraudsters packing. They can always learn to code

  3. dm says:

    DEVASTATING COMBINATION: Tony’s data tampering insights &

    Scan down to the paragraph just above Fig. 10. Atmospheric CO2’s apparent effect on global temperatures implies a climate sensitivity of 1.25 degrees as the concentration doubles from 280 ppm to 560 ppm. In contrast, almost half of the climate models shown on Fig. 8 assume climate sensitivities EXCEEDING 4.5 degrees.

    Not only is 4.5+ degrees a multiple of lived experience, 4.5+ degrees exceeds the hot end of the range of climate sensitivity estimates shown in Fig. 7.

    The nail in the coffin is: The inferred 1.25 degree sensitivity almost certainly OVERSTATES the actual. First, it assumes, presumably for simplicity’s sake, that rising atmospheric CO2 caused all the global temperature change since 1976. Second, as Tony has shown, data tampering caused much of the increase in adjusted temperature series since 1976. If one removes the tampering, the inferred sensitivity is LESS than 1.0 degree–and that reflects ALL feedbacks.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      I think that what you say is in line with what all real, not-government-controlled, intelligent scientists say.

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