Time Traveling Satellites

In 1970, Arctic sea ice was becoming “ominously thicker.”

“The United States and the Soviet Union are mounting large scale investigations to determine why the Arctic climate is becoming more frigid, why parts of the Arctic sea ice have recently become ominously thicker and whether the extent of that ice cover contributes to the onset of ice ages.”

U.S. and Soviet Press Studies of a Colder Arctic – The New York Times

“The Earth Is Cooling, Return of Ice Age Is Feared

Snow banks cover areas of Baffin Island today which were seasonally snow-free 30 or 40 years before the present cooling, J. T. Andrews and his colleagues at the University of Colorado at Boulder report. Similarly, pack ice around Iceland is once again becoming the serious hindrance to navigation it was during the “‘little ice age”

14 Apr 1973, Page 8 – Iowa City Press-Citizen

“Another Ice Age?
Monday, June 24, 1974

Telltale signs are everywhere — from the unexpected persistence and thickness of pack ice in the waters around Iceland to the southward migration of a warmth-loving creature like the armadillo from the Midwest.Since the 1940s the mean global temperature has dropped about 2.7° F.”

Page 105 – June 24, 1974, Vol. 103, No. 25 – The Vault – TIME

Wayback Machine

International Team of Specialists Finds No End in Sight to 30 Year Cooling Trend in Northern Hemisphere – The New York Times

The 1990 IPCC Report showed a large increase in Arctic sea ice during the 1970s.


Never mind all that history, though.  NSIDC has “newly available data sets” which show that Arctic sea ice has been declining since 1953.

“April 30, 2007

newly available data sets, blending early aircraft and ship reports with more recent satellite measurements that are considered more reliable than the earlier records, show that the September ice actually declined at a rate of about 7.8 percent per decade during the 1953-2006 period.”

Arctic ice retreating more quickly than computer models project

Since that report was written in 2007, there has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Time Traveling Satellites

  1. Yammobethere says:

    “Newly available data sets”? That sounds suspicious to me.

  2. Bob G says:

    the settled science of the 1970s clearly shows we were on the verge of the next ice age, but right before Earth reached the tipping point, man invented fire. mankind has been overheating the planet ever since. higher taxes is our only Hope for salvation. 🙂

    • arn says:

      You are wrong on this one.
      We actually reached the Ice Age Tipping point (=the critical point beyond which a significant and often unstoppable effect or change takes place / merriam -webster.com).
      And as result of this tipping point the ice age turned on a sunny August morning 1982 at 7.38 in New York into global warming.
      The tipping point was so devastating that it erased all ice age scare propaganda,all arctic satellite data from 1964 -1978 and the Medieval Warm Period.

      It took 42 years to reach another tipping point of that quality and magnitude 3 weeks ago when the 1st West-Indian Indian-Indian American-Indian Senator Kamala Harris turned black including a black southern accent that originated from her childhood in Canada.

      In both cases CO2 can be blamed.

      • Bob G says:

        I got the higher taxes part right didn’t I? lol. did anybody see black haired Kommy Harris in that interview yesterday? she’s back to sounding like a blithering idiot. I’m very curious to know what the Democrats inject in their candidates right before a debate or a state of the union address that temporarily changes them into Frankenstein. yesterday Kommy would have struggled telling you how a toaster works. she is not presidential material.

        • arn says:

          Yesterday she obviously did not have 2 weeks to prepare, to memorize to choreograph things.
          She also did not have 2 helpers and time to recover while someone else is speaking.
          Only her,her inear and the prompter.

          That’s why her bodylanguage and facial expressions also went from overconfident to “I hope noone realises what a weak – ass puppet on the verge of hysteria I am ” .
          And those drugs they are given would even sent Timothy Leary and Keith Richards on a trip they never experienced before.
          That’s why Joe Biden got hospitalised and instantly dropped out of the presidential,after his docs gave him a bit of the wrong sugar.

          Btw – I saw an interview with Judge Joe Brown Yesterday talking about Kamalas record in California.
          Absolutely worth watching it.

        • conrad ziefle says:

          Someone posted the Sky News commentary on the debate, and I noticed, because I was no longer frustrated by Trump’s seeming inability to handle Kackala and the two dwarfs, that there were indicators that it was, indeed, a preplanned set-up. At one point, Kackala stares speechlessly at the dwarfs, her eyes, like a child in a school play, begging to them, “Okay, it’s your turn to say your lines.”
          I bet if one were to go through the whole debate, they would see this indicator of some preplanning and coordination often.

      • Richard E Fritz says:

        1982 at 7:38 was a very bad year- that was highest year for CO2 filling aerosol cans- reached the peak in 1983 then when everyone began using too much it cause the increase causing global warming

        Kamala is also American Indian from the Poke A Hottie tribe not the SLAP A Hoe tribe of Warren
        I am surprised Pelosi didn’t send HRC to knock off Joe Brown

  3. Bob G says:

    as I’ve stated before I live in Tim walzland (Minnesota). I did my income taxes two months ago and discovered that I had made a mistake on the previous year, a mistake in my favor of almost a thousand dollars. a very simple easy to understand, easy to fix mistake. I haven’t heard a thing in 2 months. no check, no letter. I called up Minnesota revenue yesterday and they confirmed that they got my amended return two months ago and they said you’ll hear back from us in about 6 months, ok? I said no it’s not okay! good gravy. 6 months??? and these are the people (government emps) that think they can run our health insurance and every other darn thing, including forecasting the climate. fyi neighboring South Dakota doesn’t have an income tax and somehow they get by.

  4. Crashex says:

    It’s fascinating to see the presentation bias they use to dramatize the claim.

    That Figure tilts the planar graph to an angle, as though it were 3D, to get the x-axis to descend in the perspective of the observer. The descending axis helps to overemphasize the descending trend line of the dataset.

    The bias of the presenter is demonstrated by the method used to sell their claim.

  5. Scott Allen says:

    I am old enought to remember when they they were going to spread coal ash on the artic sea ice to keep it from growing and to stop the next ice age

    King Canute would be ashamed in this modern times

    • Bob G says:

      I’m old enough to remember when the experts said we were going to run out of topsoil and all starve. that came way before the ozone scare and the acid rain scare.

  6. conrad ziefle says:

    So Kackala’s most recent comments that college degrees should no longer be required, is really turning the page, back to 1920. I thought we wanted to be a leader in the 21st Century. I don’t think dumbing down is the way to do it. Also, I wonder how all those employed in those bastions of intellectual development feel about their heroine saying their services are no longer required? How about all those under-employed graduates, who would face even more competition for the good jobs that they seek? Think about it: surgeons wanted-no skills required. Learn on the job!
    This if played right could cost her the presidency.

    • arn says:

      College degrees(just like voter ID’s and citizenship) should no longer be required is just the next step of the systematic desintegration of the country.
      And to replace the white population even in higher positions with unqualified illegals.
      And then literally every institution and corporation will be ruled like an absolute monarchy – one deep state/oligarchic asset who makes the rules surrounded by imbecil puppets Biden -Harris style who will go along with every policy they are told to keep their positions.

      This would be even more devastating than DEI and ESG .

      But she is right to a certain(College) degree:
      She herself has a College degree yet she is dumb like horseshit.
      Woke College degrees are indeed worseless.

      And another thing about the Trump-Harris debate and set up.
      Have you seen how fast they were able to factcheck Trump with a fake Fact check?
      They countered Trump Cat Eater argument instantly (Dominicans who are blessed with Haitian enrichment can tell you stories )though it was an absolutely fringe Topic.
      And they debunked it with the only official and fake statement that was available.
      IMo this is technically impossible – especially for journalists who let Kamala tell lies about Trump with impunity though those lies have been debunked long ago.

      Sadly most people ignored ABC’s fact checking world record.

      • William says:

        To Haitians dogs, cats, geese, are wild game. These stories appear to be true. But truth is irrelevant for The Narrative. However cat-eating tales will get the attention of the Lumpen Masses, discussions of foreign policy are a big yawn. My sense is that “they” may let Trump win legitimately as he did in 2020. But stealing that “election” required fraud on a massive scale which is time-consuming and very expensive. As soon as Trump is inaugurated they will tank the economy which is teetering anyway. They may spread it out over a couple of years so that the little people don’t flip out. And that will be that. The US will cease to exist as a major power

        • arn says:

          It absolutely does not matter if and how expensive stealing elections is.

          They have hundreds of billions to sent to Ukraine and for illegals.
          They are buying votes with student debt reliefs
          and finding every 3 month a new billion dollar accounting error (always in favor of the Agenda,just like the climate temperature adjustment).

          It may become technically difficult and maybe impossible at a certain point – but money is not the problem.And in the end the US taxpayer will pay the prize as always.

          I also thought that they may tank the economy in 2016 and blame it on Trump, as this is the endgoal of the Cloward -Piven Strategy that is currently unfoldin – yet they didn’t do it.
          And right now it is way more complicated for them to do so.
          Tanked economy = US default,
          Dollar worthless = USA 3rd world country.

          How can a 3rd world country sustain their global 850 military bases.
          How can they keep on financing Ukraine and Israel.
          How can they finance Taiwan and the Philippines and her new military bases.
          I know that there is always money for war – but a trillion dollar budget and global hegemony is quiet a thing to sustain once you are broke.
          IMO this scenario is only possible if the conflicts with china and Russia are a show.

          And as this is a climate site: How can you push more green energy nonsense without money?
          The renewable market will be instantly dead and the now 3rd country citizens would kill anyone trying to shut down the power plants.

          If they’d let Trump win
          they wouldn’t have tried to kill and replace him
          with the WEF young leader Nikki H.
          ( imagine the incredible ” coincidence” 2 women running against each other, both from Indian origin,
          and both only there because some extremely unusual thing removed both male candidates at the same time)

        • arn says:

          Talking about manipulating Elections.

          JP Sears just released a video about a recent speech of Massie.
          He exposes the political theatre and also tells how the Election will be manipulated – openly (and not expensive at all) – and that republicans won’t do shit to stop it.

          Its a must watch.

        • conrad ziefle says:

          Someone said, don’t underestimate the power of voodoo in the Haitian culture. I could see stealing someone’s dog or cat and eating it to become the dog or cat and win the love of the person who owned it. Or to gain their property. Voodoo is weird like that.
          Laura Trump is heading an election integrity campaign. I hope they are doing a good job. You cannot stop the cheating after the fact by filing a legal suit. It will take forever to get courts to reverse an election, even if they know it is stolen. We saw that last time. If you catch them cheating, you have to be able to stop them right then and there. I hope that they have some really good cyber guys, who can monitor outside interference and kill it instantaneously. This stopping of election interference will be called election interference. But let them file suits after the fact.

        • Disillusioned says:

          Link to the Sears/Massie video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twIAgv4tB7E

          Thanks arn. Kentucky Congressman Massie is a good man.

  7. Bob G says:

    this is how you win a debate in the eyes of our mainstream news media – you lie 25 times +. https://thefederalist.com/2024/09/11/25-lies-kamala-harris-told-in-her-debate-against-trump/

  8. Bob G says:

    was she given the questions? I don’t think it’s that big a deal because you can anticipate what the questions are going to be…. but…. was she also told she wouldn’t be fact-checked and Trump would be, fake as those fact checks turned out to be. we may know soon. https://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2024/09/12/if-true-the-abc-news-presidential-debate-could-be-rocked-by-explosive-scandal-n4932479

    • arn says:

      Of course she was.
      You don’t answer a question about economy with ” I am from the middle class “( that’s her new “I’m black” after the black girl magic backfired).
      This could kill kill even harder than Tulsi Gabbbart killed her during a debate 4 years ago.
      And this time she had an abysmal,destructive record known to millions of people and not some pretty well hidden stuff from San Francisco
      and 2 journalists +team against her.
      You only do this if you know beforehand what the question is and that they will give you a free pass.

      A lousy,hysterical chick would be shaking in her boots and her voice would be crumbling if she dared to be so shameless outside a safe,controlled and scripted debate.

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