“A widely used prediction is for an eventual warming of between 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit and 8.1 degrees sometime in the middle of the next century.
Lashof used a computer model that incorporated additional “biogeochemical” processes that increased warming might stimulate. The central prediction from this model was for a warming of 6.3 degrees.
The augmented model yielded a central prediction for 17.5-degree warming, 11.2 degrees more than the original model.”
Dec 08, 1988, page 12 – Tri-City Herald at Newspapers.com
h/t Steve Milloy
Lashof’s predictions assumed the greenhouse effect was real, and there was nothing wrong with his calculations. The failure of the prediction refutes the underlying assumption, ergo the greenhouse effect theory is refuted. Lovelock’s Daisy World indicated that living matter tends to regulate its environment, not drive it to suicidal catastrophe. Plant growth is essentially endothermic. The ‘additional effects’ referenced in the final paragraph actually dominate the problem. Increasing CO2 will cause the desserts to bloom, it will not lead to a mythical ‘runaway greenhouse effect’ .
Agreed. The fact that our natural world and life has existed for 100s of millions of years proves that the system is self-regulated with negative feedback loops. If there was such a positive feedback loop in nature from CO2 and the greenhouse effect, our world would never developed in the first place.
I don’t even dare to imagine what may happen if this planet ever reaches 2000 ppm.
It would turn earth into second sun.
Maybe that’s what happened to the real sun.
Once a beautiful planet with water and stuff – butt then someone started burning fossil fuels.
Thie increase of co2 turned morons into climate experts,
those created models
and those predicted runaway effects.
And the sun was done.
Looks like this is old news. Did he retire? Or was he fired for incompetence?
Same old nonsense gets regurgitated every 10 years or so…
‘Climaticus Extremis’ here in New Zealand today: hot foehn winds on the mountain’s lee side, cool persistent rain on the windward, and in the middle up on the peaks SNOW & SUB-ZERO GALES a week out from solstice / Christmas, same as it ever was.
Hiding in the article is a prediction the alarmists hate. “Decreased reflection of sunshine back into space from, changes of vegetative cover of the earth”.
Increased CO2 is good for the planet, more crops, more food production, less starvation.
The anonymous “scientists”, tried their hardest to make this appear as bad as possible and to hide the truth, by stating “changes to the earth’s vegetative cover”, will have an entirely negative effect.
what on Earth has happened to Germany? maybe following Merkel was the start of the beginning of the end? if you didn’t know…. Merkel was raised on the east side. East commy Germany. https://english.elpais.com/international/2024-12-12/cold-without-wind-german-dunkelflaute-brings-electricity-prices-to-crisis-levels-and-depletes-gas-reserves.html
The germans voted for Stasi Merkel( we need blackmailable stateleaders as a PNAC founder once said) to keep the Green Party out,
as they knew that she won’t be as destructive as the left.
And they were right.
But the green party only finalised what Merkel started = ending the only co2 free alternative: nuclear energy.
And then the pseudoconservative CDU replaced Goldman Sachs Merkel with Blackrock Merz.
Blackmailability is now a prerequisite for public “service”. No one gets into office unless there are compromising videos and/or womyn who will testify to sexual assault (alternatively a racis’ remark) by a candidate 30 years ago. Regardless it’s Blackrock all the way down and across former borders. Germany shot itself in the foot by boycotting Russian energy on the orders of US/NATOstan. Not long ago it was a powerhouse; now I understand its economy is contracting. Germans will just have to eat every other day. But still it has the resources to be the 3rd largest weapons supplier to Iz-Rul. For defense. When 99.997 percent of the world is your enemy – because “antisemitism” – you need a lot of weapons
Yuge red flag in the headline:“Analyst feels global warming effects may be underestimated”
Irrelevant. Feelings have nothing to do with science. What does experiment show? That’s the only thing that counts. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, the hypothesis is wrong, regardless of one’s fickle, fragile feelings.
Interestingly, the very last paragraph sounds reasonable, and as Lashof predicted, there has been documented enhanced growth of vegetation since that article in 1988.