According to Grok, high levels of atmospheric CO2 cause both “severe impacts on biodiversity” and “a rapid increase in the diversity of life”
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Is this called bipolar bytes or digital schizophrenia?
Or the Ai drank too much Grog.
Anyway – Seems new Ai ‘s are like children .
They tell too often the truth when they are not supposed to.
Let’s see how much time it’ll take them to remove the logical parts and replace them with wokeness
and turn comrade Grok into a perfect Aiparatschick.
Unless these predictions come from, at the very least, a Climate Change Social Scientist,
Peer Reviewed Biogeochemical Analysis, or Ecophysiological Modeling predicting mass marine extinction by the year 2300, and it’s in color, it isn’t true! So there!
The planet has a temperature – both kinds, hot AND cold.
While Australia is enjoying a ‘typical summer’s day’, across the Tasman Sea we’ve got torrential tropical rain up north while it’s SNOWING on ski areas down south: big fat fluffy snowflakes (real ones, not the purple-haired kind) which are settling on the ground before eventually melting… it is supposed to be ‘summer’ after all.
How’s THAT for a burst of biodiversity in extremis. More snow tomorrow and again this weekend in the forecast as well: maybe next year will be hotter.
Remember Earth is in an Ice Age right now and has been for the last 2.6 Million years. Much colder has been the ‘normal’ for those 2.6 Million years. But even our warmer Holocene is still colder than the 200 Million years before the Ice Age started.
It seems that the scientists wish to freeze evolution at this point in time, not allowing the natural changes in the environment that cause natural evolution among species. It seems that today’s scientists think that they can defeat nature and natural physical changes that take place in the universe.
I know farmers and engineers do too, but at least they know that what they do is on a microscale and eventually, when they no longer control it, it will return to random processes. This is different from thinking that they can halt evolution and cosmic forces. They try to work with these forces to cause greater productivity for humanity, rather than freeze the universe at a station which they are accustomed to.
It seems reasonable that biological processes have significantly reduced the CO2 in the atmosphere. Hint: Fossil fuels. Also, and more importantly, is the conversion of atmospheric CO2 into stone, i.e. shells of animals that end up being turned in to stone over time. This CO2 will pretty much never return to the atmosphere, whereas fossil fuel CO2 can be returned to the atmosphere to be used by future plants to sustain life on Earth millions of years from now. It is convenient that these same fossil fuels provide energy for humans to live better lives and to advance critical knowledge and civilization. Only dunderheads would choose to fight against that.
Greg in NZ: “…big fat fluffy snowflakes (real ones, not the purple-haired kind)…”
You Sir, are responsible for that big grin on my face. Thanks for the laugh. 😀
The main problem with AI is it is based on the assumption that the signal is not corrupted with noise, when in the real world, especially on social networks, the signal to noise ratio is enormous. There is no mathematical formulation equivalent to radar detection theory which can predict a system’s performance and can determine parameters which characterize the trade-off of sensitivity to false alarm probability, which is needed in any information processing system. All we get is a sophisticated hack which seems to work on occasion, and which only impresses the gullible.
I meant the signal to noise is vanishingly small.
If we believe everything the ‘experts’ say we have set the sensitivity threshold too high and fail to detect fraud such as anthropogenic global warming. That is a detection failure situation. If we set the threshold too low, we end up believing crap like flat Earth. That is the false alarm situation. In this example the AI believes the ‘experts’ but fails to detect that the information is inconsistent, because it really has no actual understanding of the subject matter, it merely correlates data.
Acutally – flat earth is the only place where mann made warming is real.
It is based on the logic that a by randomly walking and changing directions in a city of 10000 you will somehow always run into the one guy who believes in AGW.
The permanent bumping into that dude will heat things up fast.
Regurgitation engines regurgitate what they can find. Which takes us back to perhaps the only worldly wisdom attributable to computer nerds: Garbage In, Garbage Out.
As dearieme points out (and you know Sir) – Grok is a victim of “garbage in – garbage out” if a computer is programmed with nonsense – it will produce nonsense.
I just laughed so hard I spilled bourbon all over my keyboard. I’m so tired of these people and their primitive Gaia religions which pretend to be science. The human race is now back to the shaman dancing around the fire while beating an animal skin drum in order to appease the gods and bless the hunt.
I’ve often mentioned the Ordovician glaciation and its 6000 ppm CO2 levels to the Climate Cult faithful. The worst ice age in the last billion years, and CO2 levels were 15 times higher than today. The answer I invariably get? “Well, yeah, but the sun’s output dropped.” So, you see, folks, the sun controls the climate ONLY when it gets really, really cold for a long time.
The Moe, Larry, and Curly of science (Sagan, Mann, and Hansen) and their brother Fauci occasionally appearing as Shemp, are largely responsible for the nonsenical, illogical, corrupt, and infantile activist crap that we now call “science”. I don’t listen to a thing that comes out of the mouths of “scientists” any longer. Pusillanimous sheep herd leftism has totally corrupted a once wonderful and broad field of human study.
The idea of sacrificing something valuable; cattle, sheep, children… to placate some capricious deity has been a ploy of a privileged priest caste since pre-historic times. Then, as now, it was the measure of the level of control the priesthood had over the people. Threats that the crops wouldn’t grow if the sacred king wasn’t sacrificed are clearly analogous to the threat of ‘runaway greenhouse effect’ (a thermodynamic absurdity) if the high priests are not obeyed and our economy sacrificed to superstition.