Honeybee Collapse Update

About one-third of hives collapse each year, a pattern going back a decade.

Ten years ago the press said honeybee population was collapsing, and threatened the world’s food supply.  Honeybee populations are now at a record high, and almost half of Americans are obese.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Honeybee Collapse Update

  1. Gamecock says:

    Someone tell the breathless Greentards they aren’t natural, anyway. Honeybees were brought in from Eurasia. We’re lucky they have lasted here as long as they have.

  2. arn says:

    And of course the threat is … Global.

    It’s either honeybee ‘s are collapsing or
    Killerbee ‘s are gonna kill us all .
    The latter fearporn scenario was dropped after the 90ies, most probably due to its latent “racist” potential
    though the Killerbees were probably the main reason for the demise of honeybee ‘s
    in warmer regions of America.

    According to the book Hunter’s Methemethics
    a drop of 1/3 for 5 years in a row would decimate the population to single digits and 5 more years would lead to a loss of 99%.
    How can such a pattern go back for a decade?
    In combination with the climate emergency,rain bombs etc
    food production should have massively dropped by now.

    But I’m pretty sure they are already testing all kinds of stuff in biolabs to get rid of the bees – and then blame it on warming.

    • Disillusioned says:

      They may want to keep the honeybees, for their long-sought, dreamt about Utopia and all that rot.

      But, they are assuredly testing. There is one species I understand they are likely much more interested in decimating… Down to a half-billion or so, I hear.

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    I “raise” native solitary bees. In other words, I build them homes and hope they will use them. I started out with “infested” wood with carpenter bees, built a little house with it, and after about 6 years they are still using it. Even though they had been burrowing in the wood for thirty years, it was still mostly structurally sound. I added on some “Homes for leaf cutters and now my population is about 5x what I started with. I’m building a whole new subdivision for them at a different location. Anyway, they pollinate my garden just fine without the honey bees, although the honey bees seem to find our yard in the late summer, and they are many. Whatever got the bees, has been overcome.

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