“The drowned world
Icecaps will be melting, sea levels will be rising … If you don’t like today’s weather, says Tim Radford, then wait for the horrors we could face by 2020
By the summer of 2020, global warming will have had such devastating effect on the northern icecap that European ships may routinely cross the high latitudes to take the short routes to Asia and the Pacific. The Arctic Ocean, once frozen solid all winter and choked with hazardous floes for most of the summer, could be one of the friendlier seas.”
The drowned world | Meteorology | The Guardian
Arctic sea ice extent was 10,305,000 km² on June 21, 2020.
I love these blasts from the past that show what idiots these climate alarmists are. They are so arrogant when they tell us we are all doomed in the near future because they are the EXPERTS. Then they ALWAYS wind up with egg on their face.
Egg on their face and icicles in their beards: that’s why they can’t see the REAL world outside of their tiny, closed minds.
Less than 2 weeks to our longest day (hooray summer!) except snow-forecast.com is predicting 7 days of snow for our highest peak, Mt Cook (12,000’) thanks to endless westerly gales c/- a restless jet stream hammering the mountains. No models predicted this, yet it OFTEN snows right through summer despite being ‘too hot to snow’ long ago.
The point of this ceaseless climate prop is to just keep repeating until the masses internalize it. It matters not that their baseless hysterical predictions are always wrong, they just kick it down the road – we meant 2050. New data you know. I was listening to Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Colin Powell, holding forth about the incompetence of US foreign policy, the danger of nuclear war, etc. when he abruptly lost the plot. If not nuclear war “The Climate” might mean our demise. The ice caps are melting and we may soon be underwater. Amazing. A very smart man but completely brainwashed. And he doesn’t even know it
“Sea levels will be rising.” That’s because all of the ice in the Arctic Ocean has melted! /sarc
This arctic has 9 lives.
Survived being covered with soot and its annual disappearence since 2007.
So it’s actually 18 lives.9 for both versions of Schroedingers cat.
I wonder if the polar bears survived in this version?