Ice-Free Arctic Warning

Paul Beckwith predicted the Arctic would be ice-free in 2013, and now he is warning of accelerated melting timelines. 

Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club Canada

There has been no trend in the Arctic sea ice minimum, mean or maximum extent for eighteen years.

(21) Paul Beckwith on X: “Countdown to an ice-free Arctic: New research warns of accelerated timelines The first ice-free day in the Arctic Ocean could occur before 2030 – by Céline Heuzé et al.” / X

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Ice-Free Arctic Warning

  1. arn says:

    How can something melt that stopped existing 11 years ago?
    I hope that at least the polar bears won’t go extinct this time.

    • William says:

      Beckwith could answer that: (Shrugging) “So I was off by a few decades. And a few million square kilometers of sea ice extent. Nobody’s perfect, not even Climate Scientists.” As I mentioned the other day the Polar Bear population has tripled since 1960 and they were reported to be “thriving” as of 2023, so much so that they have become a dangerous nuisance to the Native people. But in the age of Men Can Get Pregnant Too, thriving is intended to mean “on the verge of extinction.” A few years back the climatistas were posting a photo of an emaciated bear to push the emo buttons of climate fence-sitters. The subtext was that he was starving due to lack of food because sea ice something something. As it turned out the poor bear had cancer

      • arn says:

        I’d assume that almost all Predators who get old end up starving once they become too old,too slow and too weak for the hunt.

        Therefore I wondered why anyone would fall for this BS claim as there were 1000 good reasons(a nail in the paw that slows the hunter down would already be enough) before warming why the Bear was starving.

        • Rud Istvan says:

          True for solitary hunter polar and grizzly bears. Also solitary hunter mountain lions. Not true for pack hunting grey wolves or African lions.

    • Tommyb says:

      Their “predictions “ are always 7 to 10 years out
      Most people forget that
      35 years of climate doom in the next 5-7 years

  2. William says:

    Massive disruption to our society is the whole point of climatism. To be followed by ultra- totalitarian “stability”. That will be submissively accepted by the dumbed-down populace of scrolling crash dummies. After all Massive Disruption could interfere with The Big Game. Or Black Friday, Black Saturday, Black Sunday, cetra, cetra

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    I guess it’s better than the first plant free world, which is what you get with less than 180 ppm. I used to get upset with the idea of an ice free Arctic, but then I saw the graph where during most of the biosphere’s existence, the CO2 averaged around 3500ppm and the temperature averaged around 73F. So I thought our current state is an anomaly. Normally, there is no natural ice on Earth.

    • arn says:

      What in return means that life on earth has been adjusted for hundreds of millions of years to way warmer temperatures as perfect climate to flourish.

      There is a reason why only a small part of biodiversity can be found in those 50% of earth located around the arctics, while the equatorial 50% are full of them.
      (and the most biodiverse country is way warmer than earths average temperature).
      But Yeah- Warming Bad.

    • William says:

      It is an anomaly and if the fruitbats get their way (they probably will) it will be anomalous on steroids. We must reduce the negligible contribution (3 percent) from all human activity combined of an innocuous trace gas even if it means turning the food producing regions of the world into barren dessicated tundra. Or a smoldering radioactive ruin, whichever comes first. Plants are overrated anyway. If you enjoy camping in the woods as I do we can do it virtually. I’ve tried it, it’s pretty much the same thing. Just light some pine incense. For food in lieu of vegetables we can munch on Soylent Green, now available in a variety of flavors. For protein there is Mr Bills Lab-Grown Mystery Meat Substitute (TM). Utopia I tell you

    • Mike says:

      Fascinates me that they don’t realize that more CO2 means more Plants. And Net Zero would mean Mankind would slowly die off.

  4. Tel says:

    I think Paul should buy a nice yacht and sail it through the Northwest Passage … that would prove those skeptics wrong, once and for all.

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