“Investigated And Discredited”

CBS News said the allegations against Hunter Biden were “investigated and discredited”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to “Investigated And Discredited”

  1. arn says:

    Was this part even ever aired by CBS or was it cut out(Considering the sound and that only one cam angle is being used after the beginning) as the BBC did with the Johnny Rotten interview when he exposed Saville?

    Anyway – old presstitute should be in prison for 10 years for violating all existing journalistic standards with this interview.

    • William says:

      Journalists with standards have been redefined as purveyors of misinformation, aka truth. Old Presstitute, who is 109, wouldn’t know a journalistic standard if she tripped over one. That’s why she’s a highly paid presstitute. I lost track of Saville as I was sidetracked by our own homegrown Saville wannabe, John Podesta. I stumbled on one of his emails published by Assange in which someone informed him that he had dropped a white handkerchief “with a map that is pizza-related.” Did he want it back? That’s the kind of language that only a Jimmy Saville would understand. Whatever happened with him? I assume by now he must be in the foulest depths of hell

      • arn says:

        Well, it is a bit hard to follow pedophiles from other countries in real time,especially when every country has its own Dutroux and Saville and most never get caught.

        Podesta was Bidened innocent while just in recent days one of his friends got caught raping a little child.
        And the Pizzas were for those who were not attracted by Diddys Parties or Heidi Fleiss girls but by way younger models.

        We also need to keep in mind that Epstein Island was located on the other side of the Pond – too long to fly for the Beverly Hills guys.

        PS – there is a very nice vid on YouTube

    • Disillusioned says:

      False statements and propaganda are basically allowed under the First Amendment to the Constitution. But not defamation/slander/libel; such cases are usually adjudicated in civil, not criminal courts.

      So, presstitutes get away with defaming public officials all the time because of the difficulty for public officials to win defamation cases – they must prove the ‘reporter’ knew they were purposefully defaming/lying about the official.

      The Agenda is moving forward, and this win is but a short reprieve, IMHO. We see it time and again – a big push, followed by a lull, only to be followed by another big push a few years later. The Cabal are legion and determined, and the water in the pot is still heating up. The next four years should be interesting, to say the least.

      • arn says:

        If you are interested in more good vids
        I’d highly recommend
        “Peter Boghosians greatest Prank in history ” /dad saves America
        (sadly can’t link from this device)

        Dude wrote “The conceptual Penis is a social construct (and how it causes climate change).
        It was an experiment to see how crazy science and peer reviews have become and what academia will publish.

        • William says:

          I can well imagine such a piece being embraced by humorless short-haired academic feminists with conceptual vaginas opining that, to the contrary, the very act of conceptualizing the conceptual penis is in and of itself “emancipatory” and will reduce our Carbon Footprint among other benefits

    • Mike says:

      That prune needs one of two things…a jack slapping OR a good CONSERVATIVE Man to straighten her brain (and particles) out. She & CBS need to be forced to apologize every day LIVE for 1 months. A real apology not “If we offended you we apologize…but we believe we are correct”. Thusly when LEFTYS start hearing FACTS they ‘mat’ change their outlook on Trump….NAAHHH! That would cause all Tectonic plates to shift 1 mile each this destroying the planet…not a bad idea ..NOPE NOPE. I feel better now.

  2. William says:

    Investigating the bidens to determine if they are corrupt is akin to investigating the pope to determine if he is Catholic (that might yield some interesting conclusions) or studying water to determine if it’s wet. There are some baseless theories floating around but they “can’t be verified”. biden is synonymous with corruption, he has flourished for half a century in the DC fetid sewer of corruption, dredged from the very bottom to troll us and to serve as a brain dead placeholder. As for Hunter, the apple don’t fall far from the tree. The Laptop contained pornography (shocking!), some allegedly of the underage variety, presumably for The Big Guy. Hunter’s tastes run more to barely legal Asian hookers and crack-fueled sexual excesses. He intruded into one my dreams during the initial Where’s Hunter? fad. I was in the woods and I saw him in a clearing, cigarette dangling from his mouth. “Hey, you look familiar!” He seemed dismayed: “Oh. You recognize me. Look, I’m not as bad as they all say.” I believed him. He seemed like a Regular Fellow. Of course dreams can’t be verified

  3. William says:

    This just in: The sordidness of The bidens continues to escalate as more is revealed. Hunter’s former landlord in Venice Beach CA (25K/month) says that Joe’s little boy, who is 55, stiffed him for 300K in back rent. He asked “Is that pardoned too?”. The misunderstood genius attempted to rectify the debt with a piece of his valuable artwork..made with his own feces. Although this “can’t be verified” I think it is a very safe assumption that our country is in a precipitous freefall decline

    • arn says:

      Crooked Joe pardoned
      Crakhead Son.

      Get over it πŸ™‚

      Btw – this pardon seems like a 10 year full scale amnesty.
      And that’s not a pardon but way more and therefore, besides the massive abuse of presidential powers, illegal.,

      • William says:

        I was over it before getting over it was a thing. My cynicism is without borders. The blanket amnesty, a massive abuse of presidential power, begs the question of how it could be granted by an individual who was never elected president in the first place. Illegal, sure, but illegal has no meaning in a lawless society

    • Mike says:

      Hopefully Trump and MAGA is in time to correct course…but if not read about the Fall of Rome to see our future. But I’ll be damned if I let that happen. Time to fight hard for the great concept called AMERICA. Cuz if we fail…the World will burn worse than anything in the past

  4. Richard E Fritz says:

    The MEDIA lies began when Women and Gays took over media and HO WOOD- not hate just a fact

    • czechlist says:

      Feminism is to women as Democrats are to democracy.
      Legerdemain on a grand scale

    • Mike says:

      Actually when Progressives ie Marxist Proffessers took over Universities in the 60’s, taught Students who now make the ‘Laws’. See majority of Democrats.
      Even Bush JR. is a danger to America. One creature called Gygory Schwartz aka George Soros is one of the.most dangerous. He has deliberately helped Progressive Politicians/Lawyers/DA’s attain high office and they break every normal Rule to destroy American Society. The DA’s of NEW YORK, LA, CHICAGO, Philadelphia, NEW ORLEANS, MINNEAPOLIS ETC all prove my point. And Governors such as Newscum, Tampon Tim Walz, Brandon of Chicago and other States round out the list of Destroyers. BUT Trump has shown America who these people are and change us a-comin’ America.

  5. conrad ziefle says:

    What have been the big stories of the last 6 years, according to them, the press? In hindsight, how correct have they been in their presentation of the facts regarding those stories? This, by their own criteria, should establish their value.

    • Mike says:

      Zero is their worth. Our ‘conspiracies’ have all proven to be correct. And the Old School lists ie CBS, CNN, MSNBC,FOX, etc. all called us crazy but it turned out we were Crazy as a Fox. Correct on Russia Russia Russia, COVID, Biden Crime Family and to many more to count. Now we need to continue speaking FREELY and keep slapping the Progressives down until…well for Eternity actually The Left will never give up just change tactics so keep Speaking and WINNING AMERICA!

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