Maldives Underwater By 2050

In 1988 experts predicted the Maldives would be underwater by 2018, but instead the islands grew larger  Now experts say the Maldives will drown by 2050.

Facing dire sea level rise threat, Maldives turns to climate change solutions to survive – ABC News

26 Sep 1988 – Threat to islands – Trove

Hundreds of Pacific Islands are getting bigger despite global warming – ABC News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Maldives Underwater By 2050

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    Fanatics create grifters: native climate change grifters, native “we lost and it’s not fair” grifters, native “my skin color determines who I am” grifters, and probably more.

  2. Greg in NZ says:

    Silly old me, there I was believing the only threat of wiping a “nation off the map” concerned a certain state in the Muddle East. With lips like hers, Ginger could practically wipe EVERY NATION off the map.

    Tell the truth – lose your job. Tell big lies – get an all expenses-paid holiday to paradise in the Indian Ocean. Dang, maybe I need to start lying a little more.

  3. Disillusioned says:

    ….Pacific Islands are getting bigger despite global warming

    “Or we say, compare to experiment or experience. Compare it directly with observation, to see if it works.

    If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. And that simple statement is the key to science. It doesn’t make any difference how beautiful your guess is, it doesn’t make any difference how smart you are, who made the guess, or what his name is. If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. That’s all there is to it.”

    — The above clip from the “Seeking New Laws” lecture delivered by Richard Feynman as part of the Messenger Lectures on “The Character of Physical Law” at Cornell University on November 9, 1964, in which Dr. Feynman mentions ‘experiment’ 33 times.

  4. Ivan G Wainwright says:

    The Australian newspapers occasionally feature full-page ads showing magnificent holiday villages constructed over the water at the Maldives. They were built a few years ago with (I believe) billions of money from the middle-east. What do the oil sheiks know about sea-level rise that the global-warmists don’t? Are they silly enough to be throwing their money away on investments which have only a few years life left?

    • Since oil is their principal source of income, they are more inclined to listen to both sides of the climate argument and hence reject the BS of AGW for the pseudo science that it is. Wasn’t it the president of Azerbaijan who embarrassingly declared oil to be a ‘gift from God’?

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