No One Is Above The Law!

President Biden promises not to pardon his son. Video created by Tom Elliott.

(7) Joe Biden on X: “No one is above the law.” / X

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to No One Is Above The Law!

  1. arn says:

    The most equal son in history of mannkind.

    No clue about energy.
    Not a single word Ukraine.
    Board Member of Ukrainians biggest energy company.
    A 1 mio dollar no show job.

    No clue about arts ,
    No artistic skills ( except for methhead acting)
    Sells painting for 100K + ; and the buyers can’t even tell why they are paying so much .

    Involved in several criminal acts, but only charged for those with the least impact.

    His father doubled the US prison population, especially for drug and gun charges,
    and especially black people,
    yet he gets pardoned by the very same father for his drug and gun felonies.
    The most equal and just thing ever.

    Dude is so skilled – he should be editor of the Scientific American.

    • William says:

      The editor of NewsWeak at least. Exorbitant prices for “art” are nothing new. Museum curators have a certain Frankfurt School agenda. I recall seeing a 60 Minutes episode years ago in which a NYC woman paid 300K for a blank canvas. It began to dawn on her as she was interviewed that she was the punch line of a joke. The “artist” in question took minimalism to its illogical extreme. Joey’s boy, a sensitive and misunderstood genius, is Raphael by comparison. He uses meth and crack only for inspiration.

      • arn says:

        Well, a duck taped Banana was sold 2 weeks ago for 6.2 mio,
        but – Surprise – Hunter was not the artist
        nor had it anything to do with Polymorphic Perversion but was more of a PR stunt from a Software billionaire.

        And rumours say Hunter will try a different Art.
        It’ll be the Cover of a The Clash song.

        I fought the law
        And I won.

  2. John Francis says:

    Well said.
    He’s below the law

  3. Gamecock says:

    This will end very well. Pending prosecutions of the Biden Crime Family will have Hunter testifying against them. HE CANNOT PLEAD THE 5TH.

    Another FU by The Big Guy!

  4. dm says:

    Hidden gem–“Everyone understands” Hunter “is a decent man.” So, Joy Reed’s concept of a decent man includes one who:
    1) Uses women for self gratification
    2) Cheats on his spouse
    3) Beds his deceased brother’s wife
    4) Denies paternity
    5) Corruptly abuses his father’s public office
    6) Squander$$$ on drugs, prostitutes …
    7) Violates gun laws
    8) Cheats on his taxes
    9) Almost certainly blackmailed daddy to avoid jail time
    No wonder she hates men;-(

    • arn says:

      I concure except for point 9 (should be replaced with the sextape
      or the fact that innocent guys of the staged fbi jan 6th shoe have been imprisoned by the dozens but this guy is a free man).

      Hunter is eyeing too much for the many millions the 10% big guy will leave him behind to risk to be disinherited and poor.
      He is also aware that a machine that has the power to protect him so well from law and negative news coverage for many years
      can make him commit suicide faster than he can say Epstein if he is trying to be ungrateful.
      It is also unlikely that a crackhead has the sense for perfect timing,
      as his impunity ended right in time to be persecuted so that he can be pardoned just before Elvis leaves the building.
      (usually such celebrity court cases are lengthy,but this one went so fast and smoothly).

      • Gamecock says:

        Note that Justice dragged its feet a long time before prosecuting Hunter. He should have been in prison a year or two already.

        WHICH suggests this has all be choreographed.

        • arn says:

          It looks like choreography was way more professional and complicated:

          It seems that Joe gave his son not only a specific pardon but a free out of prison card for everything he did since 2014
          (that’s by coincidence the date the Obama/Biden government took over Ukraine and Hunter got his million dollar Burisma job there )
          and that all gains made since then have been made legal.
          I am sadly not qualified to judge specific lawyer gibberish,shady ambiguous wording and loopholes in English.

          And on a sidenote.
          The bizarre global escalation scheme continues.
          Heavily occupied South Korea declared martial
          law for no reason – and it got already cancelled by the Parliament.

  5. conrad ziefle says:

    They really can’t be that brain-dead that they can’t see the difference between a political kangaroo conviction and a real criminal conviction. They can’t see that the law was unevenly applied against Trump, in every case, and that Hunter did engage in real criminal activity, the type of which is tried daily 1000s of times across the country.

  6. Reid says:

    Biden will also pardon his brother James and all the other family members tied to the money laundering shell corporations before he leaves office.

    • Gamecock says:

      Yes, I’ve heard James’ name come up before.

    • Timo, not that one! says:

      The orange man’s DOJ will rule the 2020 election as being a cheat, and Brandon will be ruled to have never been the President. All acts made by Brandon will be nullified, and the next day, the whole Brandon family will be arrested for the whole boatload of crimes they are likely guilty of.
      5D chess.

  7. William says:

    What’s the big deal? What Pedo Peter (his handle on Hunters PornHub account) did was perfectly legal. Because he respects The Rule of Law. Unlike Trump who ignored a parking ticket from 1998. A serious offense in NYC where parking space is worth more than platinum. Because he was Donald J. Trump he thought he was Above The law. So deals were made. biden, through Bibi’s attorney, the rock star Tony B., offered to make all those serious felony charges evaporate and to call off the hit teams. For now. In return Trump would guarantee the safety of the evolutionary dead end known as the biden family. And he will be able to avoid the embarrassment of having to pardon himself which would send the leftards into a frenzy of twitipation and unrest. So The First Crackhead is free as a bird. Maybe he’ll decide to live the good life at one of the Ukrainian Dwarf’s many villas where he can work on his “art”. But I have faith that justice will eventually prevail. The Dwarf is a dead man and Hunter will be hunted

  8. Mac says:

    That ridiculous blonde wig racist Joy Reid is wearing is pure anti-white cultural appropriation.

  9. czechlist says:

    “…sons of bitches!!!”
    Sounds like a Class Action lawsuit in the making
    how much is ana worth and is the network cupable for their “talents'” slander?

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