Securing Reproductive Rights

Newsweek is promoting the idea that sterilization is necessary to secure “reproductive rights.”

Newsweek spoke to five women who have either undergone sterilization procedures or plan to in the wake of President-elect Donald Trump’s victory on November 5. They all expressed fear their reproductive choices will be taken from them under Trump’s administration.

“I am not happy that I felt forced into a surgery I did not want to alter my body, I feel like the election tied my hands and forced me to be sterilized—that is horrible,”

Women Are Getting Sterilized After Donald Trump’s Victory: ‘Only Option’ – Newsweek

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Securing Reproductive Rights

  1. GeologyJim says:

    A voluntary winner of the Darwin Award.
    These women are extraordinarily ignorant and illogical, so their self-removal from the gene pool is a clear benefit to the human race

    • arn says:

      It would have been way healthier and cheaper for them to simply join the 4B movement.
      They could keep on living exactly the way they do now (noone is interested in them ; so their reproductive rights have already been taken away from them by nature,common sense and good taste)
      while pretending to be activists.

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    The benefits of Trump’s election just keep pouring in. Now the national IQ will rise by a miniscule amount.

  3. arn says:

    “I am so victim because they won’t let me kill babies,
    so I protest by crippling myself,
    (and the funniest part: It isn’t even true)
    and if MSM tells me that Trump is gonna kill me
    I ‘ll commit suicide to safe my life ”

    I guess the Biden ” election” 4 years ago threatened their intellectual rights and the brain amputation was a 100% success.

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