Newsweek is promoting the idea that sterilization is necessary to secure “reproductive rights.”
Newsweek spoke to five women who have either undergone sterilization procedures or plan to in the wake of President-elect Donald Trump’s victory on November 5. They all expressed fear their reproductive choices will be taken from them under Trump’s administration.
“I am not happy that I felt forced into a surgery I did not want to alter my body, I feel like the election tied my hands and forced me to be sterilized—that is horrible,”
Women Are Getting Sterilized After Donald Trump’s Victory: ‘Only Option’ – Newsweek
A voluntary winner of the Darwin Award.
These women are extraordinarily ignorant and illogical, so their self-removal from the gene pool is a clear benefit to the human race
It would have been way healthier and cheaper for them to simply join the 4B movement.
They could keep on living exactly the way they do now (noone is interested in them ; so their reproductive rights have already been taken away from them by nature,common sense and good taste)
while pretending to be activists.
Exactly. Some people really cannot think. All anyone in the US might need to do is to travel temporarily to a different US State – rather like those in Ireland did when they simply came – again temporarily – to the UK.
My sentiments exactly
The benefits of Trump’s election just keep pouring in. Now the national IQ will rise by a miniscule amount.
The national IQ will rise from null to utterly negligible
Still, an improvement.
“I am so victim because they won’t let me kill babies,
so I protest by crippling myself,
(and the funniest part: It isn’t even true)
and if MSM tells me that Trump is gonna kill me
I ‘ll commit suicide to safe my life ”
I guess the Biden ” election” 4 years ago threatened their intellectual rights and the brain amputation was a 100% success.
It is logically impossible to amputate empty space. yes, The People spoke loudly in 2020, “electing” a senile child-groping zombie. Last seen wandering in a Brazilian jungle and muttering to no one in particular as the rudderless Ship of State sails in pointless figure 8’s
Well, I have proof that Demento ain’t wandering around lost in a Brazilian jungle as he just pardoned his son Hunter.
Something he promised he’d never do (just as he promised to not deliver long range missiles to Ukraine:).
And the best thing was his justification :
Joe + his Handlers who completely weaponised the judicial system against Musk,Trump,his son Eric and Americans in General who refused to go along with Agendas
said that Hunter,who got a supersoftball treatment (I guess his White House Cocaine stunt would have put everyone else 10 years in prison?)
was victim of a political persecution.
So the System Joe controls persecuted his son unjustly 🙂
I always thought one need to be editor of the Scientific American to come up with such nonsense.
We must keep in mind that Hunter is an artist. Or was. His tenth-rate drek was fetching 500K at auctions, the better to afford his 25K/month apartment. A ten year bid in a federal country club could be construed by a Marxist judge as cruel and unusual for one of such refined sensibilities. So The Leader, leaving nothing to chance, got ahead of the curve. Any Dad would do the same. But it was at the end of a grueling 90 minute work day and Joey was reverting to baseline, “tired and confused.” He thought he was sending his boy back to Ukraine where he got his start as an entrepreneur, not more ATACMS (there aren’t many left in the arsenal anyway). The Handlers shoved the pardon document in front of him and he signed it with the Executive Crayon. Then it was nappy time
Okay so what happened to the Missing 10 million votes???
No get up to date, the clown is somewhere in Africa offering them billions of dollars of your tax money to keep burning dried dung to heat and cook with; This will stop this dreadful global warming in its tracks.
Dontcha just love the doublespeak these creeps use? Why are so-called “reproductive rights” about sterilization, or the murder of unborn babies, so that the mothers and fathers will not be reproducing? Surely they could think of a more apropos term to actually describe what it is that they really want to do.
It is the power of the euphemism. The nastier and more evil the action, the more carefully the propagandists seek to conceal it behind a noble sounding descriptor. Thus the vilest of behaviours are promoted as virtues.
Soylent Green
By 2022,[4] the cumulative effects of overpopulation, global warming, and pollution have caused ecocide, leading to severe worldwide shortages of food, water, and housing, bringing human civilization to the brink of collapse.[5] New York City has a population of 40 million, and only the elite can afford spacious apartments, clean water, and natural food in walled-off communities patrolled by armed guards. Their homes are fortified, with moats, security systems, and bodyguards for their tenants. Usually, they include concubines (who are referred to as “furniture” and have no human rights and are passed from one apartment owner to the next). The majority poor live in squalor, haul water from communal spigots, and eat highly processed food wafers made by the Soylent Corporation — a large food processing firm. Their mainstay products, Soylent Red and Soylent Yellow are a staple food, and the latest product, a new, more nutritious, and flavorful wafer derived from plankton, Soylent Green, is introduced to the populace.
I was 13 or 14 when I saw it in the theater. Eerie was Edward G. Robinson’s role – his death in the film and his swansong in real life (dying 10 days after filming ended).
Solyent Green is from 1973.
By 2022,[4] the cumulative effects of overpopulation, global warming, . . . .’
Anachronism. ‘Global warming’ was not a thing in 1973. In fact, global cooling was the current scare.
It is a very good thing for women who are obviously this mentally-ill to never bring any children into the world. Anyone who thinks like this would be a horrible mother.
Problem is that a lot of them are also teachers. That makes that all our children are at risk as long as they are in the education system.
Their would be, children’s lives ,would have been too horrible to contemplate.
Being sucked out of their mother at 5or 6 months would have been the easy way.
Si Deus nobiscum ,quis contra nos.
My hope
She’s had a salpingectomy (her fallopian tubes removed), I’ve had a Vasectomy, same result. I however referred to my procedure as a, “conversion”.
A conversion from a ‘working’ model to a ‘sports’ model, for entertainment and amusement only. Maybe she could do the same?
Her “reasoning” beggars description – hordes of MAGA thugs will deprive her, at gunpoint if necessary, of her constitutional right to engage in casual sex, get pregnant, and then terminate the life functions of the parasitic “clump of cells”, aka “pregnancy tissue”, growing in her tummy. She is therefore “forced” to permanently foreclose any possibility of having kids, it’s her way of fighting back against The Patriarchy. That’ll show ’em! This is probably a good thing, we don’t need any more Lydias. Last I checked we were overstocked. But the trajectory of her life is set in stone; barren, isolated, psychiatrically unstable. A simple option that she didn’t consider was simply moving to MA, the Land of Rights. Including the right of “moms” to castrate their 12 year old sons. “Dad”, being toxic, has no say in the matter. And a 12 year old is too young to have rights
Truly written. Also IVF played a part for the “God’s” who will rule their lives as they see fit.
The boy is part of her body and she has power to control her being whether he’s in the womb or walking around.
Pandora’s box. Can it be closed?
Afraid only the Almighty God can do and probably will.
Loud noise I’m thinking when it closes.
Where have the Victim Olympics been awarded to which country
Newsweek or Newspeak?
Good one. I think you just coined it; Newspeak from now on.
Taking away your reproductive rights before anyone else can. Such a brilliant strategy. Nani nani nani neu neu.