Warm December 1923

December 1923 was a very warm month in the Eastern US and Canada, with temperatures averaging as much as 12F above the mean.

Chart III. Departure (°F.) of the Mean Temperature from the Normal, December, 1923 in: Monthly Weather Review Volume 51 Issue 12 (1923)

Mt Vernon, Indiana had 23 days over 50F and five days over 65F, including 67F on New Year’s Eve.

Indiana did not have any cold weather during November and December, 1923.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Warm December 1923

  1. Donna K says:

    What were temperatures and weather like in January, 1924?

  2. Bill says:

    It’s been warm in my mid-western state as well the past week or so, but fortunately I’ve been able to use realclimatetools.com to demonstrate that 1) It’s far from a record warming and 2) There are lots of times that it’s been this warm or warmer right where I live and 3) the trend line for where I live is basically unchanged since the 1880’s.

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