117 MPH Winds In Ireland

Tue 19 Sep 1961

“Typhoons Kill 154 In Three Nations
LONDON, Monday (A.A.P.-Reuter).
—Hurricanes, hailstorms and typhoons in the last few days have killed 154 people and injured another 2,299.
IN IRELAND, Hurricane “Debbie,” which lashed the British Isles over the week-end, killed at least 11 people, in Ireland.
It was moving towards Northern Scandinavia last night.
The hurricane was said to be moderating.
At its peak, the hurricane reached 117.2 m.p.h.”

19 Sep 1961 – Typhoons Kill 154 In Three Nations – Trove

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 117 MPH Winds In Ireland

  1. Margaret Smith says:

    High winds are battering us in N Ireland right now after a quite cold day. I have a coal fire here to keep me warm.

    • Brian G Valentine says:

      So sorry the Government has all but destroyed your electric power generation capability

    • conrad ziefle says:

      Have you voted on your PM yet? I suggest the Irish look to Argentina for inspiration. Deselect the liberals, and disassociate from the EU. Perhaps Ireland and the Netherlands could both sign agreements with the US. Perhaps after 300 years, they will see they have a common enemy, the EU.

  2. arn says:

    That pre global-warming-climate-change-emergency-climate was so savage.
    It would have been so easy to exploit it and sell it to the people as some kind of
    crisis like global cooling.
    Fortunately they didn’t.

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