The EPA shows a large increase in US burn area.
Climate Change Indicators: Wildfires | US EPA
The National Climate Assessment shows the same thing.
Full Report | Fourth National Climate Assessment
They mysteriously forgot to graph all the years before 1983, when burn acreage was much higher.
National Interagency Fire Center
“In the conterminous United States during the preindustrial period (1500- 1800), an average of 145 million acres burned annually. Today only 14 million acres (federal and non-federal) are burned annually by wildland fire from all ignition sources.”
The report should be republished in February with the addition of Graph 3, and the caption in the “hidden area” expanded to read “Biden Administration Hidden Data”.
I have used this same argument in discussions with climate alarmists. I point out this very same truncated graph. But my words seem to go in one ear and out the other. I don’t think they are capable of intelligent and rational thought.
Who’s Accountable For The LA Wildfires? | The Way I Heard it with Mike Rowe
with Edward Ring, Director of Water and Energy Policy for The California Policy Center
“This wildfire is brought to you by
Inspired by Pfizer commercials.
Btw – interesting that one Reservoir was empty because they had to fix something that should have taken 1 week.
They haven’t fixed it in 1.5 years.