Arctic Ice-Free By 2030

“Arctic sea ice, a critical component of Earth’s climate system, is on the brink of witnessing its first-ever ice-free day before 2030. As highlighted in a study leveraging advanced CMIP6 climate models, this pivotal transition is not a distant possibility but a looming reality. The researchers’ focus on daily projections has uncovered that internal climate variability, rather than emissions scenarios alone, could drive this dramatic event. Rapid ice loss events during late summer are key triggers with profound implications for ecosystems, weather patterns, and climate feedback systems, underscoring the urgent need for global climate action. “

The Arctic’s Tipping Point: First Ice-Free Days by 2030 – Climate Fact Checks

There has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent over the past 18 years.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Arctic Ice-Free By 2030

  1. oeman50 says:

    Another canard that can’t be disproved for 5 years. Maybe everyone will forget by then.

  2. GeologyJim says:

    Whoa! Whoa! Whoa – What is this “internal climate variability “ of which the writer speaks?!?! Surely this is heresy, blasphemy, treachery of the lowest order! Release the Oreskes Trolls to root out the eeevil dark forces of Big Oil who spread the seeds of mis/dis/non/anti/un-information and Doubt that threaten the Sacred Holy Overwhelming Unquestionable CONSENSUS!!

    Obedience to the righteous Cult Against Carbon is the One and Only True Way!!

    • Peter Carroll says:

      Exactly GJ. A lot of fancy rhetoric aimed at frightening small children and the feeble minded. “leveraging advanced CMIP6 climate models”(using guesswork), “pivotal transition” (another way of saying tipping point, but that’s been used to death) and “looming possibility” (frightening way of saying it might happen).
      “Rapid ice loss events during late summer” (that is when the most melting normally occurs, but it sounds scary).
      This isn’t “news”, it’s Vivek Saini, trying desperately to justify his existence and/or salary.

  3. Thomas Robbins says:

    Echoing “Internal Climate Variability “.code for natural changes in climate.. so which is it? also computer models are worthless in predicting natural climate variability as they are geared only to c02.

  4. conrad ziefle says:

    You know, a really good newspaper, one that wants to build a reputation and also some readership, would give Tony a column where he can post weekly, or preferably daily, these articles like this one. If millions of people were to see these stories on a frequent basis, how long would the climate exchange religion last? The fact that no one, has offered to do that, either to Tony, who is the best, or others, shows that they care nothing about truth in reporting. They are a sold out bunch of propagandists. But there ought to be one: Epoch Times, Daily Wire, NewsMax?? This needs to happen!

    Meanwhile, I, a gullible sponge of propaganda, am booking my tropical Arctic Pole Cruise for January 2030.

    • Mike says:

      And when it doesn’t they will say … See? Mankind has screwed up the atmosphere so badly it is getting colder now so SEND ME MONEY TO FIGHT GLIBAL WARMING … as he freezes to death in Miami!??????

  5. Tel says:

    They claim to have the power to “Fact Check” the future … no one explained to them the future hasn’t happened yet.

    Anyone foolish enough to read the article finds words like “could” and “may” and the big one, “there is a non-zero probability of an ice-free day before 2030” … woah! That guy should buy himself a lottery ticket … there’s a non-zero probability of him becoming a zillionaire!

  6. Addolff says:

    “a study leveraging advanced CMIP6 climate models”.

    Interesting choice of words…..

    From the Cambridge dictionary on the word”Leverage”:
    “power to influence people and get the results you want”.

    Sounds exactly right eh?

  7. Billyjack says:

    One does have to appreciate the complete indoctrination of the flock of the Church of Warming(COW). When an Evangelical preacher calls out his flock to a hillside to welcome the 2nd coming and he fails to show up fewer show up the 2nd time and when the 3rd prophesy fails nobody shows up. No matter how many times the prophesy fails in the COW the flock still shows up.

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