Corals To Disappear Soon

“So get this: the world’s coral reefs disappear at 1.5C. We are past 1.5C now and heading for 2C “

(8) Roger Hallam on X: “So get this: the world’s coral reefs disappear at 1.5C. We are past 1.5C now and heading for 2C THEY ARE DONE. The point is not “OMG all those lovely colourful things we see on David Attenborough are going to go” No The point is 25% of the world’s fish will disappear as well.…” / X

Corals appeared in the oceans 540 million years ago with much higher levels of CO2 and much higher temperatures.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to Corals To Disappear Soon

  1. Ivan G Wainwright says:

    To get the ‘good guts’ (Australian slang) about the GBR, go to Peter Ridd’s website. Ridd, a PhD in marine biology, was hounded out of his academic post and ‘cancelled’ by the Australian looney-left for reporting that the reef is in good health and that ‘global warming’ has nothing to do with it’s present or past condition.

    • Mike says:

      Changing the subject…MAGA now rules DC! In five days Trump has done more for America than Sleepy Biden did in FOUR YEARS! Man I love MEAN TWEETS!
      Now let’s get Tony Heller into Trump’s office and give Trump the FACTS!
      Tony Heller…..
      .we need you in DC to show President Trump the FACTS. Your Representative is the Woman who can get you into see President Trump.
      You have the facts and President Trump needs them to stop this AGW hoax. Thanks Tony.

  2. Martin says:

    Peter Ridd has very detailed actual and historic information, see e.g., at
    with a link to the report:
    “…the report shows that the reef is in excellent condition with record amounts of coral”

    About One Tree Island:
    “Another reef showing extreme variability is One Tree Island Reef, but in this case, the variations are due to the passage of cyclones.”

    • arn says:

      Isn’t Ridd that guy who said that something like
      “Corals were doing fine,until experts started researching them”,
      and then his University got Ridd of him ?

      • conrad ziefle says:

        I’ll bet that if they did get rid of him, they were pressured by some lame Marxist group to do so. We need competitive universities who actually teach real principles of science, business, and other, rather than larder on Marxist mythology and give degrees based on the roulette wheel of life.

        • arn says:

          I looked it up.
          Seems he was 27 years there and got sacked for
          ” breaching code of conduct relating to public commentary about the great barreer reef”.

          I actually do not belief that there was any Marxist group behind this
          as Corals are too fringe to bother them.
          My guess is more that the grifters were worried about funding being cancelled.
          + Universities,especially in the anglo saxon sphere, are Marxist shitholes top down.
          They created the Marxist Groups so I don’t think that they need to be pressured by the creatures they created.

          And Ridd lost the excommunication appeal twice.
          Heresy isn’t tolerated and my guess is he got the typical 0% support from all his peers called friends after his blasphemy.

      • Mike says:

        Okay enuf with the Korney jokes!
        Okay we need to talk Tony Heller into seeing a President Donald a Trump. Tony has the Historical FACTS and he is the one to show Trump that the AGW hoax must be stopped.

    • oeman50 says:

      I’m sorry, but this is bogus. I checked on Google Earth and there is more than one tree on One Tree Island.

      Or maybe is means at least one tree.


  3. Robertvd says:

    We know temperatures have been much higher during large periods in the Holocene when trees could grow much higher up the mountain. So there should be no corals alive today.

    • Mike says:

      Heck a drill sample done by the US MILITARY was left on a shelf for 30 yrs. Than someone looked and it had Branches from trees in it. The sample was from the, I believe, upper left portion of Greenland. AND why is Greenland is called GREENLAND? Cuz when Eric the Red a Viking Kird landed on Greenland it was covered in Shrubbery ( sorry…Monty Python) and small trees. Sounds like it was WAY warmer then now.

  4. arn says:

    I didn’t even know that Corals can even exist at 1.5 degrees.
    The arctics must be full of them.

    Or maybe I missunderstood
    and,by some very strange coincidence,
    Corals start to disappear(magicians will use this trick from now on)
    at the exact same temperature the irreversible greenhouse runaway effect kicks in.
    Climate Science is so convinient.

    And isn’t it a little bit odd that water temperatures are rising at the same pace as global temperatures?

    • Mike says:

      Dude THANK YOU! I needed that. Now what they don’t understand is that the World has the… INTERNET…which is forever. So you are if the Woken. We are the ones who deal with Facts not here say or Ignorant foolery. So be proud of what you know and who you are. Never stop knowing what is fact and what is money making fraud.

  5. Disillusioned says:

    Roger Hallam and Graham Readfearn – the latest two to be added to the very long list of global warming propagandists – a legion of disinformation alarmists who purposefully refuse to do the hard work and actually understand “the science” that they ignorantly purport to understand with certainty.

    • Francis Barnett says:

      July 2024, Hallam was convicted of conspiracy to cause a public nuisance for organising protests to block the M25 motorway two years prior, for which he was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment.
      So unless he got out somehow – how come he can tweet/twitter from prison?

      • Alastair says:

        I checked his account, the bio states, “Currently in prison – account managed by friends.” No doubt his friends are just as rabid as him.

        • Mike says:

          He is probably friends with STOP OIL fools. You know the people who DRIVE to there protests in Busses and splash oli based paints on people or paintings. I want them to live WITHOUT oil for one month. They will either starve to death and/ or die from the lack of life saving meds. Maybe we can help them in that…NO I must be polite…NOT!?????

        • Alastair says:

          Mike, sorry for the late reply. Hallam co-founded Just Stop Oil, Extinction Rebellion, and various other activist groups. He is in prison for his part in Just Stop Oil’s attempt to block the M25 (he already had a suspended prison sentence for attempting to close down Heathrow).

  6. conrad ziefle says:

    I guess everyone has already said this, but how did corals survive a billion (?) years (or more) when the CO2 ranged between 7500-3000 ppm and the average global temp was 73F? I think I’m right, Carlsbad Caverns is in a mountain which once was a giant coral reef that grew back in those days.

  7. Peter Carroll says:

    Roger Hallam. One of the founders of Excretion Rebellion. Need anyone say any more?

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