Data Made Simple – Cold January

This video shows how to use to quickly become an expert on the weather history and climate of thousands of locations around the world.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Data Made Simple – Cold January

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    Tony, you have given us two examples using I checked your website out and it’s really impressive. I could even afford the premium plan. I’m going to go over your tutorials and decide if I’ll buy it. My problem is that I don’t do data stuff much anymore, but I like having the security blanket of being able to, if I want.
    Anyway it seems to have lots of potential. I hope you all do well with it. Maybe the sales guy can talk to NOAA about using it?

  2. arn says:

    Well structured
    but I’ll wait until apple plagiarizes it,puts an eye in front of it and turns it woke.

    I’m too used to warming data
    and won’t be able to cope with any possibility of cooling results.

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