NOAA predicted a warm Jan-Feb-Mar in the US, as we head into historic cold.
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Happy 2025 one and all – welcome to winter!
Am in Australia with extended family, is a lovely 30*C with a cooling sea breeze on the coast: inland West Australia maxed out on 43C yesterday, very average for the desert in summer.
Meanwhile in eastern Siberia, Oymyakon’s -54C, Greenland’s summit is -35C, the Arctic North Pole -23C: Antarctica’s South Pole is -28C, the Valkyrie & Fuji Domes are around -40C, and New Zealand is struggling to get into the 20s Celsius due to endless cold southeasterlies… yet Gullible Warmists believe we’re knocking on Hades’ door, d’oh!
Good luck & stoke up the home heating – you’ll need it.
I can’t even imagine how catastrophic a 1.5+ degree warming in Oymaykon,Greenland and Antarctica would be.
An apocalypse.
So Happy New Year to you too and to the rest.
As with politicians and the MSM they convey good accurate information but in an inverse manner – whatever they say the exact opposite is true. Here in W. MA the weather has been wonky. A beautiful Fall, one sunny day after another but dry as a bone. Then abruptly colder by early Dec., bottoming out at minus 9 F with a fair amount of snow. Now abruptly warmer, high 50’s and pouring rain. By tonight abruptly colder with 6 inches of snow expected and high temps in the low 20’s for the foreseeable future. Weather Change, not Climate Change. It would be pretty boring if the weather didn’t change. By the end of winter it will have leveled out to “average”. As it always does
All the best for the New Year.
Happy New Year, Tony!
All my best to you and yours.
After enjoyably mild temperatures, cold begins for us on the Ohio River. But, next week the temperatures kick into really low gear. Several years ago I electric heat-wrapped the water pipes in the crawl for just this reason. It has a thermostat; I can see a light turn on and off and I know it’s working. No more busted water pipes here.
Happy New Year.
A 1.5C RISE, in global temperature is “catastrophic”, yet when Mt. Pinatubo blew its top and LOWERED, the global temperature by 1.5C, not a peep. Why was that not labeled, “climate change”?