Google Maps Adds Context

There is a large Mosque at “the intersection Hugh Road and Crescent Peak Drive in Northern Houston”

“FBI Houston has just issued a statement asking citizens to STAY AWAY from the area near the intersection Hugh Road and Crescent Peak Drive in Northern Houston They’re currently investigating a scene related to the attack in New Orleans, but are providing no further details at this time”

(3) Nick Sortor on X: “? #BREAKING: FBI Houston has just issued a statement asking citizens to STAY AWAY from the area near the intersection Hugh Road and Crescent Peak Drive in Northern Houston They’re currently investigating a scene related to the attack in New Orleans, but are providing no further” / X

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Google Maps Adds Context

  1. arn says:

    Is it even legal for the FBI to raid a mosque with such a high rating 🙂

  2. William says:

    It is impossible for me to believe that the FBI did not have advance knowledge of this attack by “ISIS”. The very same that was organized by CIA/Mossad/MI6 to foment chaos in Western Asia. Rebranded along the way as al-Quaeda (a name invented by the FBI), al-Nusra, HTS, etc. Now they are right here in the good ol’ USA! Who could have foreseen it? Maybe Chip “Hamas is putting babies in ovens!” Roy (R-TX). And they are hatching their evil plots from MOSQUES! Muslims bad! Somehow it will all track back to Iran. The average Muslim (although their belief system is myth-based apocrypha IMO) has no more interest in jihad than the average Christian has in retaking Constantinople. But the media is still pushing the emo buttons – the victims included ” a former college football player, a student, and a loving father.” Expect more of these events including Mass Shootings (TM), UAP’s, The Fog, a boatload of “novel and potentially deadly” viruses, etc., all peaking shortly after Jan. 20

    • arn says:

      Dude please.

      Why I wouldn’t be surprised if the FBI or CiA are involved in this (especially since the Tesla incident in Vegas it looks like someone is sending a message to 2 billionaires),
      it does absolutely not take that much effort to do such a(according to my limited knowledge,) fairly simple thing without the FBI knowing about this.
      This is barely above the level of a standard gang shooting – something that can easily go unnoticed even in a totalitarian surveillance program as Lavender.(while oct 7th absolutely can absolutely not )

      We kill about 100000+ Christians in our countries each and every year and have destroyed 1000s of churches during the last 3 decades.
      (while building 1000s of mosques in Christian countries – that’s literally all you need to know about our morals and mentality)

      So we can absolutely do this on our own.
      And if you don’t know what I’m talking about go to:
      Go to the website by an ex muslim who wrote an excellent book about our centuries atrocities in India) and take a look at the daily news section on the right side.
      And not a single of those news is being reported in the west .
      Just todays Mozambique news easily outperforms New Orleans.

      Once you realize that Jihad is mandatory
      you will understand that we do not need the FBI to do such things.
      It has been part of us since our prophet who was the USA of the 7th century as he waged wars all the times and blamed the others .
      There is also a reason why at least 3 of the 4 rightous khalifs(his successors) died by the sword.
      Every one of them being a massmurdere and so peaceful that,as highlight,
      one of them even went to war against Mohammeds most favorite wife Aisha.(camel battle iirc)

      Ask coptic Egyptians about our behavior towards them during the last 1000+ years or how we treat Christians in Nigeria
      or what abeed/abdi means.

      • William says:

        I said average Muslim. I knew quite a few when I lived in NJ none of whom were jihadists. Jihads historically were glorified slave raids. White women – Houris – were especially prized. I believe the “Muhammad Story” is embellished myth if he existed at all. Genghis Khan allegedly converted to Islam before rampaging through Russia and killing three quarters of the population. Islam was just another belief system that justified mass murder and pillage. Naturally it appealed to mass murderers and pillagers. This event however reeks of an unfolding narrative. Clearly a LIHOP; now we learn that the barricades protecting attendees were removed just prior to the car attack. Because they were “malfunctioning”. They had no moving parts, how could they malfunction? Speaking of belief systems, it is unknown who wrote the Christian Gospels. Mark and John were illiterate but somehow they became fluent in Greek, just like that. And as for that other belief system the largest holocaust museum in the world just opened in..Cambodia. It’s not dedicated to the millions who died at the hands of the Khmer Rouge; that was a mere misunderstanding. What do you suppose that’s all about? Lest you misunderstand me, Islam does not make my list as One of the Three Great Monotheistic Religions. Rather it is a clinical example of mass formation psychosis. And growing. Metastasizing. Modern Christianity is a barely recognizable mishmash of fake folkore promulgated by white trash bible bangers. At least in ‘Murica. The Jesus Story however is holding up pretty well under intense scrutiny. By me. For now I hold to an unshakable faith in the Most High. That God exists is self-evident. Did that answer your reply? I don’t think so

        • arn says:

          I was not asking for a reply,
          but thanks.

          Of course you won’t know a single muslim who is jihadist.(and you’ll probably never meet one if you don’t work in a prison)
          Noone would ever tell an unbeliever that they are jihadis – at least not where we are minorities
          just as noone would ever admitt that Mohammed was a massmurderer and a guy who married a 6 year old,
          though it is documented in the strong ,holy, uncorruptable hadiths.
          And – with a certain living standard and comfort interest for jihad drops significantly.
          Does not change the fact that Jihad is mandatory
          and that it actually only means struggle.
          To the gullible and the world it is sold as personal struggle
          but in reality it is the struggle vs unbelievers – the secret of Islams successful coloniz…expansion is the real jihad and result of it is also the massive bodycount massive slavery (you’ll also never find a single who’ll admit the slavery stuff)

          Btw ,despite my cousin turning Salafist I still have to meet an official jihadist,because it is unpopular to admitt in the west.
          As 90% of people are not evil or too lazy or suffer from inertia,are good or anxious the vast majority of people of any group are “nice” guys officially.
          Be it 1936 in Berlin during Olympics( “Germans were the nicest people I ever met” – Jesse Owens) or the worst massmurderers in history under dschighis khan,because the vast majority of Mongols were even at that time women,children and old men.
          It is always the relevant minority that is relevant for the outcome (Pareto principal )

          Your religious take is interesting and individual(not so much different from mine I guess)

          In terms of the attack :
          I did not know the barricades were removed.
          (solid objects don’t become dysfunctional,especially not the police stuff – would never happen at the DNC or WEF or Bilderberger meetings)
          Therefore I categorized it in the same way as the car crash when the racist black dude killed all those people with a car.
          But now, combined with Vegas and the mysterious drones and last minute presents to Ukraine my guess is that they are trying to get some things done and create a certain momentum before Zombie leaves White House.

          Mohammed was also illeterate (and not an evil person before he became muslim. )
          The interesting thing on the Christian side (beside its connection to Isaiah 53) are quumran pergaments,
          as it always adds an interesting dimension when alternative texts appear.
          Be it in a confirming or negating way.

      • conrad ziefle says:

        I think you would know more about the Muslim mind set than anyone here, being that you were raised among them. I only know what I have personally experienced, or have read in the newspapers. Generally speaking, I would say that the majority of Islamic people are sympathetic with jihad. They can’t help it. They were taught it. It’s a religious tenant that Islam must take over the entire world. Even if they didn’t believe in it, or want it, they would also be afraid to speak against it, for fear of reprisals, much as a Southerner would have been afraid to speak against apartheid while the KKK was operative in the South.
        The only way to deal with to get rid of Islamic radicals is to make the majority of Islamic people more afraid to be with them than they are afraid of them.

        • conrad ziefle says:

          No editing available: leave out the “to deal with”

        • arn says:

          Jihad is kind of Islams Gospel or the 11th commandment(and root of Islams succes) – so they are sympathetic as it is at its core.

          Thing is: there are different religious interpretations, and some very peaceful.
          But those are for the very same not successful.

          I’d like to link you to some German exMuslim scholar videos,
          but I sadly forgot his name after all his years as he got cancelled(It’s NOT the one from egypt but one with a worse haircut than Trump and Boris ).

          Anyway: He once asked,when he was still muslim, the Imam,: how the hell his acceptance of the tolerance stuff he said in an interview (It was either about women or gays) is compatible with Islam ?
          And the Imam answered : I just said it for PR reasons.
          Of course we won’t accept that a bit.
          I only told them what they want to hear.

          So lying about Islam is pretty much standard and actually 90 % of muslims either have no clue what is written or just the basics and those who know are not willing to know about the bad/negative stuff.
          For a good reason:Mohammed is considered the perfect human being and the role model everyone should try to be.
          Now when such a person marries a 6 year old,
          has 7 -12 wifes at the samE time (though 4 are the limit),
          takes the wife of his son though it is forbidden by Islamic law (that’s why there is no real adoption in Islam.Because this son was adopted , so Mohammed simply outruled adoption so he can marry her without taking away from his son because he suddenly never was his son),
          when such a person wipes out entire tribes like the Banu Quarish.
          When literally all of his doings are proof that he is not the best being ever –
          then lying and ignorance becomes the rule.

          And the real problem is not the muslims who believe in a good and just god (how good and just can a god be who thinks that chopping of someones hand or foot is justified if someone steals an egg or an apple)
          but those who act like Mohammed.
          And that’s Orwellian as a thing can be.

  3. Billyjack says:

    The FBI, except on television or in the movies, has never been anything but another corrupt bureaucracy in DC that only investigates crime “against” never “by” the government or its cronies. The only difference since Barry is that they now commit and abet government crimes, instead of just ignoring them.

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