Holocene Optimum In Alaska

The current location of the Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska, was a forest 2,000 years ago.

Ancient trees emerge from frozen forest ‘tomb’ | Juneau Empire – Alaska’s Capital City Online Newspaper

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Holocene Optimum In Alaska

  1. arn says:

    Seems the Polar Bears survived the forest pretty well.

    Mann should use those tree rings.

    • arn says:

      And as the tyrannical government is reaching its end
      the tyrants awarded themselves with the (2nd) highest honors.

      War criminal Hilary Clinton received the presidential mental of freedom.

      Joes Boss Soros awarded himself by Joe for initiating more coups around the world than the CiA – or as they use to say today: For strengthening democracy in 120 !!! countries with his no more borders foundation.

      The 1st monkey got the award too:

      The first protozoon was also awarded:
      Bill Nye

      Magic Johnson got impragnated while receiving the Medal.
      He’s now full Roe Vs Wade.

      • arn says:

        Funny Video tip:
        ” Insane Queue for EV charging ” /Mguy Australia

        How charging already looks like with only 4% EV marketshare.

  2. Disillusioned says:

    Global warming alarmunists cannot see the forest for the trees.

  3. Martin says:

    The news from 2013 are still online, e.g. https://www.livescience.com/39819-ancient-forest-thaws.html or https://www.nbcnews.com/sciencemain/still-standing-ancient-alaskan-forest-thaws-melting-glacial-tomb-4b11215106

    But 2000 years ago was rather the roman warm period (roman optimum) than the holocene optimum which was some 8000 years ago.

    Interesting also, the “glacial advance between 1724 and 1794 A.D. that pushed Huna Tlingit off their land” in the little ice age when the glacier was growing and advancing “faster than a running dog.”

  4. Robertvd says:

    Prof. Gernot Patzelt


    Alpine Glacier Cycles of the Past 10000 Years | Christian Schlüchter | TEDxBangalore

    It is well known that trees could grow much higher up the mountain and much closer to the poles during prolonged periods of time than today is possible.

  5. conrad ziefle says:

    2000 years ago? About the time of the Roman Empire, or the Roman warm period? Odd, that. My guess is that the Little Ice Age did not end in about 1850, but rather has been moving to the low end of a cycle, and that there really wasn’t a Little Ice Age, but rather, as they thought in the 1970s, the beginning of a regular Ice Age. The next “Little Ice Age” will be sooner than we think and longer than Michael Mann will predict.

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