Six years ago, President Trump praised California firefighters and criticized Gavin Newsom’s terrible forest mismanagement. Newsom has responded with some spectacularly slimy rhetoric, even for him.
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Seems Trump understood the magnitude of devastation very well already in 2019,
and he told you in person(it’s on cam,Judas) and initiated everything so the devastation wont happen,
but you Greasy Ass Slimeball refused to sign the documents,
to make sure the devastation can happen(I wonder what borders are good for,and firebreaks and full reservoirs)
so you can play your global warming and 15 min city game.
And while you didn’t do nuffin in all these years to prevent the catastrophe
you already had your “Marshall Plan” ready for LA within 3 days after the fire started..
How can someone who can’t write 2 words
all of a sudden write a new bible during a weekend?
Newsom’s Inferno.
I think it is incredibly forthcoming for Governor Newsom to want Trump to meet with residents of California so that he will better understand how completely Newsom has screwed them.
Over half of LA Fire Department’s vehicles are unusable, and waiting for repairs. This is how a 13% personal income tax benefits citizens.
The strength of the NYTimes / NPR / Evening News bubble is remarkable. It imprisons a majority of the voters in California. I just don’t think they have seen the same evidence that we have. Specifically:
1) California’s annual rainfall has varied, without a pattern, for at least the past two millennia. Dry periods are frequent. Reservoirs should be planned, and kept full, to supply and to protect cities.
2) Frequent fires have been a documented fact in California for at least 500 years. By suppressing fire in natural areas, and by refusing to clean up brush, and refusing to create fire breaks, the stage is set for massive, uncontrollable fires.
3) Non-natural causes of fires, like power lines and arson, must be investigated and controlled.
The fires in Los Angeles are the fault of California’s decades of poor leadership.
sad for CA but great for America as the LEFTOIDS and Newsome have proven again WHY NEVER Vote DEM
I have no doubt whatever that the firefighters have saved lives and have done their best to contain the fires. However, one of the many failings of the California and Los Angeles fire protection efforts is that there are simply not enough firefighters to do the job. LA has about 1/2 the number of firemen per person as other large cities have. The failing is not that of the firefighters, the failure is that of the State and local Governments to ensure there are enough of them, ensure the availability adequate machinery and water to fight fires, ensure forests adjacent to population centers are properly thinned and cleansed to minimize fire risk and ensure that building codes require that homes and other buildings require fire resistant features appropriate to such well known fire prone areas. The State and local governments are simply not doing their jobs which suggests that the voters are not doing theirs either.
If that’s true it’s a scandal and a deliberate crime .
I do not know where LA ranks in the wildfire rankings but I’d guess it is to wildfire what Miami maybe in hurricanes.
No. 1 or at least top 10 of your country.
That of all things a high wildfire risk city only has has 50% of firemen per person other big cities have on average – especially after stopping forest management and firebreaks – I’d call this stealth sabotage..
Maybe the logic was:
After removing all dams and missmanaging reservoir suplly
we didn’t have enough water for firefighters anyway.
So let’s half their numbers.
Assigning Responsibility for the Tragic Los Angeles Fires.
James Steele is a biologist, author and former director of San Francisco State University’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus.