Snow is forecast in all 53 states, including Mexico, Greenland, Canada and Hawaii.
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- arn on 90% Certainty – Four Meters Of Sea Level Rise By 2030
- dm on Global Warming Threatens The Children
- dm on 90% Certainty – Four Meters Of Sea Level Rise By 2030
- arn on Defending The Faith
- William on Defending The Faith
- Bob G on NOAA Climate Fraud Index
- Disillusioned on The Last Refuge
- arn on Global Warming Threatens The Children
- Gamecock on Global Warming Threatens The Children
- czechlist on Global Warming Threatens The Children
That picture of Mt. Washington leaves little to the imagination..
okay I’ll behave. I wish I was 20 yrs old again…I would love to become a member of the 100 mph club on My. Washington…damn I’m old. BUT I made it to 69+!
Seems the USA will run out of stars way before it runs out of snow.
And I’m neither an expert in math nor in american history but
isn’t it actually 55 states?
Of course! Everybody knows Guam and Puerto Rico are states. Just ask the genius college student who was asked on the streets of New York which side won the American Civil War. She thought for a moment and replied, “France?”
Well, she put my degree in history to shame.
And for temperature, the forecast for tonight here on the Ohio River is 2°F by morning.
James Hansen has been such a prophet about global warming. Like every other leftist, Ed Markey inverts reality. For anything they spout, your money is better off betting on the opposite.
Didn’t Obama tell us he campaigned in “…57 states, three to go.” ?
Tony exaggerates just a little. It’s actually 52 states, where Canada is only one of our many territories just like Puerto Rico, Guam, Greenland, and all of the Caribbean islands. (Clima-Change™ increasingly causes the U.S. to grow bigger)
Every planck second our galaxy and solar system is in a previously unknown region of the universe. Our core, mantle and crust are dynamic. Our magnetic and atmospheric shields are in constant flux. Our star strikes at its planets with dangerous rays and solar wind particles. Every moment we are vulnerable to untold numbers of unknown existential natural threats. Then, there is political instability
Human hubris is as limitless as is human ignorance.