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just one more reason not to live in California
There is nothing unprecedented about the weather conditions in the 2025 fire.
Actually throughout 2024 there were many news about rain above general in California about an increase in groundwater and that Reservoirs are above 80% capacity.
Conditions were fine.yet insurance companies cancelled fire insurances a few months ago.Maybe as result of some crazy Californian policies that forced them to do so or event 201 clairvoyance – I dunno.
Years ago I posted on Larry Elders Epoch Times channel that California must significantly increase the number of Reservoirs to counter the massive population increase and the no-water crisis they are artificially creating to blame it on warming and Elder was campaigning it while running against Newscum.
What happened is that California got rid of of 4 dams.
And here they are no water in the pipes to fight the fire and a massive increase in fuel load on the ground as result of progressive forest management.
LAFD: Firefighters Save Building from Solar Panel Blaze in Boyle Heights | August 14, 2024
I heard an LA firefighter being interviewed just about when these fires kicked off, who said that the usual cause of these brush fires was down to the homeless camping and cooking, discarding ciggy ends etc
Designing for disaster starts with staying out of harms way. One can NOT design an affordable building able to endure the wildfires that routinely roar up & down CA’s coastal mountains.
Nor can good forest management prevent chapparal from burning like a giant blow torch. Or, prevent Santa Anna hot winds from intensifying & enlarging wildfires. While the Santa Anna’s blow, chapparal fires burn until Mother Nature puts them out.
FYI, I grew up in CA, and vividly recall a brush fire that scorched grazing land as far as one could see north, south, east & west. Such fires are less powerful than chapparal fires.
“One can NOT design an affordable building able to endure the wildfires”
Well making a house from solid masonry and a steel roof, like most European houses, would be a start, and would not need to be expensive. You should build for the climate. In Florida, they now build beach houses from masonry, and on stilts. Funny thing is, after a hurricane, those ones are still standing, with minimal damage, while their neighbours with a 50’s frame house are wiped out.
Temo, almost certainly many, perhaps most, of the masonary walls and chimneys left standing by the LA fires will be demolished rather than re-used. Chapparal fires burn hot enough to ruin mortar joints, brick, cinder block & poured concrete. Such fires may also burn hot enough to ruin steel framing & roofing.
Even if the walls & roof survive, windows & doors will fail during such fires. Then, flames, heat & smoke will ruin the interiors.
Thus, my major point is valid. Do not build or live in areas routinely ravaged by wildfires. Mother Nature WILL eventually burn you out.
I noticed in the video and from visits to LA that i have made, the large prevalence of Aussie Gum trees. They are recipe for disaster when fire hits. Possibly not the best choice for the next round.
My deepest sympathies to Californians who have lost everything. But fire also purifies and if there is any place on Earth that needs purifying it’s Hollywood
I know it shouldn’t be the main takeaway of this awesome film, but those are really beautiful cars and fire engines. I remember some of them as a child. I was born 2 weeks before the fire depicted in the film.
Anyhow, everybody already said most of what I was going to say. Catastrophic wokeism is part of the problem. Both the Mayor and the Fire Chief were equity hires. Neither is qualified for the job.
The California coast is full of homes built in this type of terrain. We have had similar fires over and over. Does the One Progressive Party not learn from these events? Is it a violation of their Gaia Creed to prepare for the inevitable? Or do they just not care? My ancestors in the Black Forest had more sense than Governor Nukum. In the 1600s they had a fire Marshall whose job it was to make sure all brush was cleared away in the town and near it. But they had an advantage over the progressives, they had functioning brains.
BTW, this filmstrip is the best. I don’t know how you find them, but you keep hitting home runs, Tony. I sent it to a couple of my liberal family members, hoping to jar their brains at the incompetence of our current Socialist Republic of California governance. You never know when the lightning will throw Saul from the back of his donkey.
Too many Sauls
too little lightings.