The End Of Snow

Every ten years the New York Times announces the end of snow, or the endless summer.

Opinion | The End of Snow – The New York Times

Opinion | The End of Snow? – The New York Times

With Warmer Weather, Different Decisions to Make – The New York Times

gfs_asnow_us_41.png (1019×678)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to The End Of Snow

  1. dearieme says:

    I propose that we all thank President Trump for the brilliant wheeze by which he defended the shores of the Gulf of Mexico from polar weather.

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    And if the end of snow came, I would say snow is an anomaly, that in the long haul of life on Earth, is inconsequential. Typically, there has been no snow in the biosphere.

  3. Disillusioned says:

    We may have a possibly slight crack in the paradigm.

    In this article about the broken snow records along the Gulf of America coastline, a Ctrl F search for the phrase, ‘Climate Change’ was not found.

    Accuweather used to be better than the Climate Change Channel, but then in recent years I’ve noticed them interjecting the phrase in articles just like the CCC does (actual initials WC, of course).

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