In 2018, CNN said President Trump was being ridiculous for criticizing California’s handling of wildfires.
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There is also a ridiculous speech of Trump talking in detail what needs to be done
to prevent wildfires.
And next to him was a guy called Gavin Newsome.
I heard somebody say that back in the day they used to have controlled Burns in the Los Angeles vicinity, to lessen the chances of a catastrophic runaway.wild fire that we’re seeing today. but the new experts said no, we can’t cut down a tree, we can’t whack a weed.
The essence of progressivism is to destroy and/or replace
things that do work with things that do not work.
And when you do this in a desert place that
can not even support a million people without
a specific management and infrastructure
by getting rid off said management and infrastructure (Newsome so proudly announced the worlds biggest dam removal project(deliberately ignoring that the influx of millions of illegals needs more dams,not less) not so long ago to save the Smelt – a species put on the endangered list in Sacramento AFTER the dams were removed)
than this region will no longer be able to support tens of millions.
And this will become a huge AGW selling point in the future
once these effects start to kick in.
But on the sunny side:
Biden, who so successfully ignored the catastrophies of
in Maui and Florida for so long
instantly appeared when a disproportional high number of millionaires and billionaires were amongst the victims.
And instead of the standard 750 dollars he promised infinite help for the coming months as if California has become a part of Ukraine.
Reminds me of NY where you can literally get away with murder or setting a woman on fire
but shoot the CEO – and everyone will do their best to get the culprit.
Regardless of KNOWN periodic high winds, regardless of a KNOWN dry climate, regardless of climate change, good government is always ready to address emergency situations from these and other predictable events. Bad governments, collectivists of all kinds, say that the mice ate their tanks’ wiring.
Or in Deutsch: Wenn der Hund nicht geschissen hätte, hätte er den Hasen erwischt.