Wind is currently producing 0% of UK electricity and solar is producing 1%.
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- arn on Global Warming Threatens The Children
I have a screen shot of the UK’s power source at 71% ccgt gas generation from Gridwatch on 20-01-25 at 00.15 hrs GMT.
And Millibrain is planning to get rid of gas generation down to 5% of total just on standby.
Good. When he starts freezing Britains to death maybe…just maybe the MONARCHY will step in and fix Great Britain.
If not I’ll just sit here by my wood stove reading a book by electric power produced from VOAL!
They have already blown the coal fired stations up.
Virtue signalling imbeciles!
Repeated lulls in UK, Denmark & German wind turbine output may be prima facie evidence BIG oil sold them faulty lubricants & coolants;-} BIG oil KNOWS if wind & solar kwh are widely perceived to be part time kwh suppliers, BIG oil can sell MORE natural gas in the future. source: babbelonbee
Bull crap sir.
Wind & solar are useless in many areas of the World so stop blaming others for it’s failure.
They have Coal & nuclear so use it and live WARMLY.
If not ? happens.
Mike, pls note babbelonbee is the source;-) Babbelonbee is an obvious salute to the Babylon Bee, a satirical and truly funny source of insights into climate alarmists and other tyrants. The Babylon Bee is also renowned for correctly foretelling how lunatics will react to common sense.
England, you can thank Margaret Thatcher for this, and her quest to strangle the Coal Miner unions
Margaret was one of the first state leaders sent out by the cabal to push the warming scam – so no surprise that she went after the miners (for some strange reason germans did the same thing).
“The problem of GLOBAL climate change is one that affects us all
and will only be effective if it is taken at the international level.
We must use science to cast a light so that we can move step by step (=shut down mines and power plants,replace them with green energy and built back better) ”
From her UN speech 1989.
It is quite the coincidence that the 2 nations that brought war all over the world found a new form to bring globalism.
And the dude who replaced her a year later (John Major) was also an instant climate looney that lead to Britains great future :
0% Energy at 0 degrees Celsius = everything stands still,
but enjoy your warming.
People called “Iron Lady” Thatcher a “conservative” ha ha ha.
Iron Filings maybe, manipulated at will by globalists and cranks in the UN
Interesting that the first IPCC report 1990 concluded they could find no evidence of AGW in the literature. That void was quickly filled by opportunists
I didn’t knew about this 1990 report,
but it seems that, if the IPCC did not have evidence in 1990,
how the hell knew Thatcher about it a year before?
And she was already in power during the cooling scare.
Only answer – she was a cabal puppet, but not manipulatedbut willing participant imo.
(or do you really think she and the Mi5 did not know about Saville and the pedo bishop (ball?) who were royals best friendd and covered up for them).
She was as conservative as Reagan was in the US when he was the first to push for NAFTA and ratified the CFC bans against the massive Montreal protocol (the first successful global scam initiated by USUK if we ignore IMF and worldbank)resistance from republicans.
Actually, I thought it was the other way around – Thatcher wanted to bust Coal Miner unions because she didn’t like “striking” workers, so she came up with this.
For some reason the advice of the UK Atomic Energy Authority promoting nuclear power was mostly ignored.
It may have been the other way around(at least officially)
but your last paragraph is a good indicator.
If we take a look at the Anglo Saxon timeline
a Uni Party behavior started at the end of the 70ies
in terms of deregulation,union busting,coal mining,
global warming,ozone layer ( “its destruction is proceeding faster than experts predicted” Thatcher 1990 at international meeting Her Ozone layer argument has become PR standard for climate).
Jimmy Carter (union loving democrat)was already busting Unions.Taft Hartley Act against?
United Mine Workers 🙂
Reagan promoted Union busting NAFTA,
which was introduced by Clinton as resistance against republicans was too big .
And Thatcher did all this on her own – except that her NAFTA was EU.
Yes- she used to push for it from the beginning of her carreer.
And what they also have all in common:
Completely ignoring co2 free nuclear energy as alternative.
According to Grok*, over the last decade the UK invested about £100 billion on solar power and wind power, which in today’s American money is about $130 billion. You could expect a useful life of perhaps 30 years. So, money well spent (sarcastic).
If you assume a relatively high cost of $10 billion to build a nuclear power plant, you could build thirteen of them with $130 billion, with a total annual consistent output of about 100 terawatt-hours. You could expect a useful life of at least 60 years. Money well spent (actual).
Grok also estimates that if you included battery power to mitigate the periods of night and low wind that bedevil solar and wind energy production, $130 billion would get you about 30 consistent terawatt-hours per year.
*Grok of course is X’s ai, which produces lots of detail but sometimes not so much accuracy. YMMV and garbage in/garbage out.