Answers from the Borg

Grok gives almost exactly the same answer as ChatGPT


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Answers from the Borg

  1. William says:

    Deepseek: Yes, Hilary Clinton is one of us. The CCP is eternally grateful to her and her husband Bill for gifting us with proprietary American high tech in the 90’s, commonly referred to as Chinagate, that allowed us to leapfrog the US economically and technologically. Technically she is not a Communist in the economic sense as she advocates a mixed market economy which includes the very lucrative market of child sex trafficking. Hilary has always been considered a leading proponent of that particular market. She ran for president of the US in 2016 during the brief periods of time that she was able to stay sober and managed to steal five states. That was not quite enough for her to win however as even her supporters hated her.

    • arn says:

      It was not Hilarys fault that she lost.

      The voter fraud was simply not that sophisticated as it was since 2020 .
      Hilary would have won the election with 85 mio votes if the deep state had the same level of manipulation capability in 2016.
      They were so far behind back then that they even failed to manipulate the primaries to that level to beat Sanders though she was way more competitive in 2016 than Biden ever was in 2020.
      But Biden,who got completely trashed by Bernie in the beginning of the primaries easily won in the end.

    • czechlist says:

      I held Loral stock when that technology transfer occurred. I immediately sold it ( subsequently lost a lot in unrealized earnings and appreciatiion) but I looked upon it as dangerous and treasonous I wrote my Senators to investigate big democrat donor Loral CEO Bernard Schwartz and his influence on Slick. Of course nothing happened.
      Hillary allowed uranium ownership sale, facilitated hypersonic technology transfer and, I have little doubt, provided covert weapons transfers to ISIS.
      The Clintons are grifters and traitors but heroes to the dims.

  2. Gamecock says:

    ‘Regulated capitalism’ = Fascism

    No, Hillary is not a totalitarian communist. She is a totalitarian fascist.

    Not an upgrade.

    • Conrad Ziefle says:

      All collectivism leads to fascism is my belief. China has become a fascist nation. We were on the road to fascism. The Eu might still be communist, but they are always behind the curve, or possibly they are afrsid of it with their history.

  3. Billyjack says:

    I wonder what Chat would answer to the question, ” Can Hillary Clinton ever be replaced as the most evil, corrupt, soulless hag on the planet?”

  4. Michael L Dee says:

    Those expert sources just confirmed that HRC is technically a Fascist.

  5. Conrad Ziefle says:

    Clinton is an authoritarian grifter. She does care what government she represents as long as she has lots of money and can torture anyone she wants to.

  6. Richard E Fritz says:

    SHIP HRC to Club FED

  7. _Jim says:

    Heh. The result of training from the same data set, i.e., wikipedia …

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