Cooling Australia’s Past

Marble Bar, West Australia set the world record of 160 consecutive days over 100F (38C) during the summer of 1923-1924. This inconvenient history has since been deleted from the BOM website.

BOM – Australian Climate Extremes

“Has ACORN robbed Marble Bar of its world record?

The animation below uses the daily temperature datasets for RAW, ACORN 1 (introduced 2011/2012) and ACORN 2 (introduced quietly in early 2019 with no BoM announcement) to compare the number of days each year from 1910 to 2019 that Marble Bar recorded a very hot day (defined by the bureau as at or above 40C) :”

Marble Bar very hot days and seasonal rainfall

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Cooling Australia’s Past

  1. John B says:

    Well done Tony in exposing the fraudsters at BoM once again.
    Except for a few elected present and past parliamentarians, notable Senator Rennick, Senator Roberts and Craig Kelly, there is a silence from the majority in Canberra to the climate fraud committed by our BoM and CSIRO. With plentiful coal, gas and uranium, our 2 major parties are sending our country to economic ruin by following this unachievable NetZero agenda.

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