Earth Granted 26 Year Reprieve

The United Nations says we only have about one year left to save the planet from global warming, which is 26 years past their original deadline.

UN climate chief warns humanity has 2 years ‘to save the world’

U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Earth Granted 26 Year Reprieve

  1. oeman50 says:

    How many of these “predictions” have failed to come through?

    All of them.

  2. czechlist says:

    They will eventually get the doomsday predictions right but for the wrong reason. Geologically, Earth has undergone a global event every 6000 years and the time is drawing nigh. And there ain’t nothin’ we can do about it.
    Sometimes I expect “the powers that be” know it but are trying to avoid the panic that knowledge would create.

    • arn says:

      Don’t think so.
      You don’t make plans spanning generations all around the world .
      Wasting money,ressources power,exposure to transform society etc,
      when you know the train you are sitting in will crash.
      That’s Paul Ehrlich logic – predicting a global desaster that will wreck humanity and at the same time warning about the population bomb which ain’t possible in his apocalyptic scenarios.

      You just built what you need to built for the postapocalypse,
      stay in the shadows and let things go their way.
      No need for vaccines,viruses interventions when Armageddon is around the corner.
      Save your ilk,let the rest go down
      and later mop up the survivors or enslave them for the dirty work to come ,
      and then you are free to do whatever the plan is.

  3. Greg in NZ says:

    Hang on, Vietnam was FLOODING a while back, now it’s called a DROUGHT? This consensus theory thingy just doesn’t hold water – except when it does. Wondering if it SNOWED much up in their highlands this winter, there’s been a lot of COLD Siberian air making it all the way down to southern Ch!na as of late – caused by WARMTH or sumpfink stoopid according to ‘the models’.

    Hasn’t the Don evicted the UN yet?

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