Update On John Holdren’s “Ice Free Winter”

Obama’s science advisor John Holdren forecast ice free winters in the future if we continue respirating CO2.

Looks like it probably won’t happen this winter, with temperatures averaging -30C and 181,086 Manhattans of ice in the Arctic.

We have plenty of ice here in Colorado, and we are fifty degrees south of the North Pole – so I think it may be at least another year or two before winters get ice free in the Arctic. A little more CO2 might push the Earth over a tipping point.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Update On John Holdren’s “Ice Free Winter”

  1. Mike Davis says:

    How do you get 60 degrees south?
    I live off of I40 and we are at 35 north which would be 55 degrees south of 90 north.

  2. Alan Crawford says:

    Hmm… as the UK, and Scotland in particular, emerges from another brutally cold spell with many records broken it is strange how this is being explained away by being simply “weather”. Indeed, it has been suggested that these cold spells are what we can expect given “catastrophic climate change”, suggestions from journalists who a few years age were suggesting that snow will be a distant memory in our warming world.
    Needless to say, any serious rainfall or summer heatwave is not simply weather, but is promoted as proof positive of man’s impact on climate. The good news in this is that the man in the street is no dummy and knows when he’s been sold a pup. It is surely time for politicians and legislators to reflect this and accept that the so called CO2 consensus is a myth. Or is fuel, electricity and aviation tax income too precious these days…. We in the UK will see our 6th petrol duty rise in 2 years take effect on January 1st. Aviation tax has just increased by 50% on average, now £300 for a family of 4 to fly to the West Indies. ENOUGH.

  3. Pingback: www.TheTruthHurts.co.uk » Blog Archive » Update On John Holdren’s “Ice Free Winter”

  4. In Newzealand , our demented government believes that a population of 4 million can lead the world . The man in the street is wondering when our politicians will come to their senses and revoke their evil E.T.S. legislation . The lower income goup (under $50K per annum) are starting to suffer . Those on $2,000 plus a week, have not yet realised what is happening .
    According to our government , the rest of the world do not understand global warming .

  5. jim says:

    Holdren’s brother in arms is Moonbat from The Guardian.

    – George Monbiot, January 2009.

    “I have spent the last two evenings skating. Last night we laid lanterns out across the ice and swooped and swung and fell flat on our faces on this silent lake in mid-Wales, for hours by moonlight. I should have been in bed – I have a chest infection and a cold – but I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.

    For the exhilaration of this primal game was shaded with sadness: all of us knew that this time might be our last. It is many winters since most of the lakes in England and Wales have frozen hard enough to support a skating party; with every year the chances of another one recede. The fuss this country has made about the current cold snap reminds us how rare such events have become.”

    …… and along comes 10 months later :))

    • Joe says:

      And next year Moonbat can go iceskating on the Thames (provided he can make his way to London through the snow) — shades of Charles Dickens!

  6. Lawrie Ayres says:

    Australias Chief Scientist, Penny Sackett, says our current wet spell following a severe drought is global warming. If she had bothered to look at the El Nino/La Nina Index for the past 100 years her predictions may have been more accurate and her alarmism less over-the-top. She is a prime example of a scientist besotted by global warming and beholden to government for her job. One only can assume she is corrupt and can no longer be taken seriously.

  7. Mervyn Sullivan says:

    When it comes to global warming a.k.a climate change a.k.a. climate disruption, President Obama’s science advisor John Holdren is probably the reason why President Obama has been sailing on the ‘SS Ship of Fools’! It’s going to be fascinating to see how they navigate 2011, now that so many international scientists are showing dissent over the IPCC’s fraudulent pseudo science.

    Let us hope that Santa has a Christmas present for Obama, which just might help him find his way … “The Slaying of the Sky Dragon: Death of The Greenhouse Gas Theory

  8. Alan Crawford says:

    Following last week’s dreadful weather when central Scotland ground to a halt and hundreds spent nights stuck in their vehicles, trains and buses ceased to operate, airports closed and motorways were clogged with trapped vehicles, it was nice to see the Government minister responsible for Transport taking it on the chin and resigning. Yes, Stewart Stevenson has fallen on his sword due to the failure to foresee and respond timeously to the Arctic weather conditions. How supremely ironic to note that it was this same man, in his previous capacity as Minister for Climate Change, who signed Scotland up for the world’s most onerous reductions in CO2 emissions due to the threat posed by man made global warming. An 80% reduction by 2050.
    Sadly this is going to be achieved by the continuing shrinking of Scotland’s economy and citizen’s inability to afford fossil fuels rather than by the promised Green revolution. Any change of heart, Minister, as you might now have time to take a wee look at the alternative view on the science?

  9. Pingback: Update on John Holdren’s “Ice Free Winter” « www.thetruthhurts.co.uk

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