Heavy Snow Headed To Southern Europe

Should be some good skiing in Sicily

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Heavy Snow Headed To Southern Europe

  1. You can see how much snow is on the ground in the Northern Hemisphere compared to 2007.


  2. AndyW says:

    That Sicilly comment made me chuckle.

    They were to in advance last time by a few days, however I can’t laugh at it this time because we got 42cm in Kent. Scotland had 51cm at one point.


  3. Scott says:

    NH is still above average, but I wonder how long it’ll stay that way…more snow is falling, but is it falling in places where it’ll be new? Maybe snow cover over the now-freezing-up Hudson Bay will fill in a hole where we’re behind climatology…



  4. Andy Weiss says:

    All the ski resorts in the Rome metro area will be open for business as well!

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