President Obama Taking Climate Stupid To New Levels Today

  1. The new EPA regs will have almost no impact on CO2, because Asians are building new coal fired power plants at a rate which makes puts Obama’s plans in the noise.
  2. Despite a 10% increase in CO2 since 1996, there has been no warming. There is little or no correlation between rising CO2 and global temperature.

His plans accomplish nothing other than hurting Americans.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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92 Responses to President Obama Taking Climate Stupid To New Levels Today

  1. Obama’s plan does harm the plants that would have benefited from the added CO2, and all the animals that would have benefited from those plants.

  2. omanuel says:

    Steven, these are The ABC’s of Climategate:

    A. On December 12, 1922 Aston gave a PROMISE and a WARNING of FRUITS of the SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION.

    B. Immediately after Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed, CHAOS and TERROR gripped the hearts of world leaders as their TOP SECRET A-BOMB plans became common knowledge.

    C. Being human and subject to error, they tried to HIDE THEIR SIN: Selfish use of the powerful source of energy (E) stored as mass (m) in CORES of heavy atoms, some planets, ordinary stars, galaxies and the expanding cosmos!

    Climategate emails and documents publicly exposed these omissions in late November 2009.

    UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS is the quickest way forward from sixty-nine years (2014 – 1945 = 69 yrs) of public deception, disguised as Standard Models of Consensus Science.

    • Peter Yates says:

      Sorry, but I can’t see how this is relevant to the top post.

      • omanuel says:

        Sorry, Obama is but a puppet for the NWO. Their game is up.

        We must forgive frightened world leaders and focus on harvest of the scientific revolution: “Powers beyond the dreams of scientific fiction.”

      • Joseph says:

        Pleased to find that I’m not the only one who notices.

      • This registered child rapist’s point is highly relevant to the task of immediately adding crackpot noise to any and all valid skeptical arguments made on this blog, a lot like William Connolley of Wikipedia notoriety is lately frantically adding noise to skeptical blogs now that he can’t trash Wikipedia as easily, or how Nick Stokes and Steven Mosher add lawyerly nitpicking to skeptical blogs to act as very effective trolls. It’s all a big smoke screen, and it’s working wonders to further publicly tarnish skepticism now that historically anti-science activist conservatives have been successfully converted to skepticism.

        When I posted a lot on there was a whole activist army of Gorebots around, so unless I posted early to set the tone, which I usually did, a dozen truly obnoxious bits of utter nonsense were added from various sock puppet accounts, and these activists were fully aware of Oliver’s bizarre infiltration of skeptical blogs, and used it effectively to tarnish any references I made to those actual blogs. I had to scrub my links mostly, to dig up primary references, since these activists were *right* that skeptical blogs are idiotically sponsoring saboteurs that destroy any credibility they might otherwise earn. Judith Curry and this blog are the remaining few that irresponsibly encourage this sort of sabotage. Any link to this blog were out of the question as Goddard kept posting Holocaust photos each week.

        Steve keeps banning my own accounts here, so posting this will likely kill one of my last log on options. He bans me because I speak out against pure folly, including his own, while he defends a man who sodomized all of his daughters and sons and but for the statute of limitations, would be spending life in prison. Tony Watts banned him and his name was removed even from the Sky Dragon book that Tim Ball was regrettably mixed up with, one of the primary means all of skepticism has been destroyed, reputation-wise, being very successfully equated with maverick denial of the classic greenhouse effect, the ultimate smoke screen and straw man strategy of highly organized PR firm tutored climate alarm activism.

        Steve Goddard is doing great damage to skepticism by allowing this blog to become a crack(pot) house no different from a landlord who allows his properties to become neighborhood drug dens. Are not interconnected topical blogs online neighborhoods? Hey, Steve, mow the damn grass! Your hurting the property values around here, damn it. No man is an island. You are hurting the hard work of thousands of people and so we much work twice as hard, and thus half as effectively. This is a personal issue for any of us who spend a lot of our free time using the Net to get the word out, and it utterly sucks. It’s not a quirky little nag, but the core of the effort being thwarted.

        • Your attempts to link my lack of censorship with rape are bizarre and beyond disgusting.

          You should seek help. You are a very sick person. You are constantly trying to sabotage this blog, and I am going to ask you politely to go away. Censorship of ideas is for Nazis.

          I don’t run background checks on posters, but I do censor hate speech – which you engage in constantly.

  3. D. Self says:

    The pres isn’t stupid he knows his actions are hurting Americans, as planned.

    • Gail Combs says:

      To make the USA into a vassal state of the United Nations it must become Interdependent (and bankrupt.)

      SEE: Mankind at the Turning Point: Interdependence is Totalitarian

      • omanuel says:

        That was their goal in 1945, Gail, when they established the United Nations. But these cowards foolishly chose a powerful opponent when they decided to hide the source of energy that:

        1. Made our elements
        2. Birthed the solar system 5 Ga ago
        3. Sustained the origin and evolution of life after 3.5 Ga ago
        4. Maintains contact with every atom in the solar system today, a volume of space greater than that of ten billion, billion Earths.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Oliver, you are missing a heck of a lot of history.

          The grab for power did not start in 1945. Even Pascal Lamy admitted the decision to put in a world government was made in the 1930s.

          The Fabians go back even further to the 1800s. The Fabian window that George Bernard Shaw designed in 1910 as a commemoration of the Fabian Society, shows Shaw and Sidney Webb, co-founders of the Fabians, smashing the world with sledge hammers below the Fabian’s coat of arms, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Below are the words “REMOULD IT NEARER TO THE HEART’S DESIRE,” a line from Omar Khayyam.

          Heck world domination has been a dream for many men going back to the Romans, Genghis Khan, the most successful genetically ( 1 in 200 males today may trace their lineage to Genghis) Not to mention England, France, Spain and the Dutch.

        • omanuel says:

          Yes, Gail, I am probably missing a lot of history.

          But I know world leaders were seriously afraid they might die in Aug 1945, formed the UN in Oct 1945, started supporting false Standard Models of nuclei and stars in 1946, as George Orwell started writing “1984”

          “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an apparence if solidity to pure wind.”
          – George Orwell

        • Gail Combs says:

          In school I hated history (probably because I smelled propaganda.) Now I realize you can not understand what is going on today without looking at history. The elite families in control of this world go back generations and centuries.

          Did the dropping of the bombs scare the elite? Probably, but somehow I wouldn’t bet on it. Some of those with power are really really bonkers.

        • omanuel says:

          @Gail Combs on June 2, 2014 at 6:57 pm

          CHAOS and TERROR over LACK OF CONTROL control of atomic bombs!

          On August 6, 1945 Allied leaders thought they alone had atomic bombs.

          By the end of August 1945, they knew Japan and the USSR could make atomic bombs, and at least one copy of the plans for making atomic bombs disappeared from government control.

          Fifty-seven years later, in 2002, the BBC reported the atomic bomb plans were returned.

        • omanuel says:


          “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an apparence of solidity to pure wind.”
          – George Orwell

  4. Andy Oz says:

    Whither goes America, the world will follow. If you descend into economic and social chaos, so will the rest of us. Australia changed its path to chaos in September 2013.
    Europe has started to clean out the totalitarians and recover democracy. America has a chance to do it too in 6 months.

  5. It’s interesting to note that his “plan” won’t kick in till after he’s out of office. Furthermore, if the GOP wins in 2016, the new President can immediately cancel this plan.

    What this is is really a bone thrown to Warmists, along with an attempt to deflect to a different subject.

    • darrylb says:

      True WT, however, it is a stimulant to campaign more than ever in ’14 and ’16
      It may be a blessing in disguise if enough people understand the woes of this added on to the woes of O-care.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Since when did the republicans kill the plans of the democrats and when did the democrats kill the plans of the republicans? The Patriot Act, or maybe the Banker Bailouts? I know how about the Aldrich Plan Federal Reserve Act.

      BOTH parties are like members of the same team advancing the ball (The elites agenda) passed the weak defenses put up by the opposite team the serfs voters.

      The UK voters finally figured it out and voted in a bunch of UKIP politicians. Meanwhile the bought and paid for parties are banding together with the bought and paid for media to throw a real hissy fit.

    • tom0mason says:

      No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth!
      Ronald Reagan

      • Gail Combs says:

        Boy is that ever the truth. When prohibition was killed the bureaucracy just focused on ‘Drugs” instead.

        Can’t kick Uncle Ned’s useless nephew out of the only job he has ever kept longer than a month now can we?

        • tom0mason says:

          The sad thing is that it is all too true.
          Government elites are the cancer that is sucking the life out of the economy and slowly debilitating the electorate. Impoverishing lives with each new foolish law, mandate, and agency it creates.

        • timg56 says:


          Actually, they focused on firearms. Rather than get rid of all of the excess Treasury agents hired to go after illegal distribution of alcohol, they decided they needed them to protect us from the tidal wave of miscreants threatening the country with sawed-off shotguns.

  6. philjourdan says:

    And that is his goal.

  7. Eliza says:

    W Teach if that is the case its great, no problems. I guess by then most >97% will realize that they were conned anyway…LOL

    • darrylb says:

      Eliza, I doubt it. By now, with no warming for 17 years, net increase in sea ice, no cold spot over the tropics, and on and on, people should have already realized it.
      But the media has so bought into it that certain scientists control the media and funding for other scientists. Ike had keen insight into what would happen and he was spot on.

      • Gail Combs says:

        The media was BOUGHT period. It was bought in 1915 and it is STILL bought. link

      • Gail Combs says:

        Sorry Phil they were BOUGHT. There is nothing to debate about my comment if you bother to do the research you would see that.

        The original of my following comment with all the links is at Tallbloke’s

        This is just a snippet of what is in my files BTW.

        …Here is one of the big players – NBCUniversal – and the interlocking influence.
        GE’s stake in CAGW

        Enron, joined by BP, invented the global warming industry. I know because I was in the room.
        …The basic truth is that Enron, joined by other “rent-seeking” industries — making one’s fortune from policy favors from buddies in government, the cultivation of whom was a key business strategy — cobbled their business plan around “global warming.” Enron bought, on the cheap of course, the world’s largest windmill company (now GE Wind) and the world’s second-largest solar panel interest (now BP) to join Enron’s natural gas pipeline network, which was the second largest in the world….

        Now on to control of the media

        U.S. Congressional Record February 9, 1917, page 2947

        In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, ship building and powder interests and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press in the United States.

        “These 12 men worked the problems out by selecting 179 newspapers, and then began, by an elimination process, to retain only those necessary for the purpose of controlling the general policy of the daily press throughout the country….

        JP Morgan: Our next big media player?

        If U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Kevin Carey today approves Tribune Co.’s reorganization plan, enabling it to emerge from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, New York-based banking giant JP Morgan Chase will become a significant media player, owning more television stations than any major network and becoming America’s second largest newspaper publisher….

        Judge OKs Tribune reorganization plan

        …Sources said the members of new ownership group, which also includes distressed-debt investor Angelo, Gordon & Co. and lender JPMorgan Chase & Co., are still mulling candidates for board seats and for chief executive….

        Comcast and GE Complete Transaction to Form NBCUniversal

        Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA; CMCSK) and General Electric (NYSE: GE) yesterday closed their transaction to create a joint venture… The new company is 51 percent owned by Comcast, 49 percent owned by GE,… J.P. Morgan was lead financial advisor to GE with Goldman Sachs and Citi acting as co-advisors….

        Press Release: Comcast and GE to Create Leading Entertainment Company

        …. NBCU has obtained $9.85 billion of committed financing through a consortium of banks led by J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, BofA Merrill Lynch and Citi….

        Stephen B. Burke is Comcast Corporation President

        …Before joining Comcast, Mr. Burke served with The Walt Disney Company as President of ABC Broadcasting…. Mr. Burke serves on the Board of Directors for Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co….

        Then there is GE Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt. Obama appointed General Electric Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt as chair of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. The new council replaces the Economic Recovery Advisory Board.

        Change Looks Quite Familiar

        …“You would have difficulty finding a company that has outsourced more jobs and closed more American factories than GE,” Scott Paul, Executive Director of the Alliance for American Manufacturing writes. “While they have slashed their American workforce to fewer than 150,000, GE has dramatically expanded its global presence, now employing over 300,000 workers worldwide.”

        Jeff Immelt has made it plan his loyalties are not with the USA.

        India is exciting for American businessmen today: Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman & CEO, GE
        ET Now caught up with Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman & CEO, GE, for his views on a number of issues, including the significance of 200 American CEOs landing on Indian soil, outsourcing and GE’s plans for India….
        I am a globalist. So I am a big believer that basically it is a win-win game of global trade. But strategically for the United States, a great relationship with India is a real prerequisite and very important and I believe the President sees it the same way…. America Inc, have been good partners to global business leaders for generations…. We know how to make money in India for our investors, but we are also a good citizen. We know how to make money for India by investing in the people and the resources….

        • philjourdan says:

          No Gail, what that proves is that private citizens (with their own agenda) bought them. Not that the government did. My statement stands. (for the US, the UK is another issue).

        • Gail Combs says:

          You forgot who “Owns” the US government. (Also the CIA was inserting their messages in the US newspapers.)

          Top Senate Democrat: bankers “own” the U.S. Congress
          “And the banks — hard to believe in a time when we’re facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created — are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place.” The blunt acknowledgment that the same banks that caused the financial crisis “own” the U.S. Congress — according to one of that institution’s most powerful members — demonstrates just how extreme this institutional corruption is.

          The ownership of the federal government by banks and other large corporations is effectuated in literally countless ways, none more effective than the endless and increasingly sleazy overlap between government and corporate officials….

          And yes I know it is not technically true but with the Corporate – Government revolving door link it certainly seems like it!

        • philjourdan says:

          I understand your view of “bankers”, and respect it. I simply disagree with it. Besides, while the “king makers” may think they can tap the next president, the fact remains, the little vermin, whoever he is, can then trap the king makers. Which Obama and others have done. So the “king makers” would be fools to invest so much with no controls on their investment. And king makers do not get to be king makers by being fools.

        • gator69 says:

          Gail, you really are Hell bent on demonizing banks. We get it. But using ‘Dick’ Durbin and as sources shows your desperation, and gullibility.

          Time to retool.

        • rw says:

          Enron, joined by BP, invented the global warming industry. I know because I was in the room.

          But did they invent the AGW hysteria? If so, you better tell the guys over at The Nation who are practically drooling over the idea of taking big oil (I presume this includes BP) to court. I couldn’t find the article that talks about a 12 trillion dollar transfer, but here are some along similar lines:

          So which is it – is Big Oil responsible for AGW or is Big Oil responsible for the global warming scam? Or is it both??!! Talk about being in everybody’s crosshairs!

        • Gail Combs says:

          The guy in the room was in the presidential suite so was talking about the USA and Enron jumping on the bandwagon.

  8. Colorado Wellington says:

    There is little or no correlation between rising CO2 and global temperature.

    There is so much correlation between the President’s actions and Americans’ hurting that I may start suspecting a cause and effect relationship.

    Ty Cobb had a lifetime batting average .366, Babe Ruth .342. Is Obama hitting over .900 out of stupidity?

    I’ve known stupid people who got things wrong quite reliably and it was profitable to do the exact opposite. None of them was this good.

  9. Bob Knows says:

    “His plans accomplish nothing other than hurting Americans.” That is his goal. DUH!

  10. B says:

    Another way that shows man made CO2 does nothing:

    Perhaps others here have seen this before but it was new to me. Basically he shows that the proxy record under estimates CO2, current levels are more or less normal. Mand made CO2 is trivial. Models are overly simplistic and wrong. Accordingly, A 30% cut of CO2 in the USA will do nothing, the math says so.

    • Morgan says:

      Murray Salby wrote the book on atmospheric physics, in 1996. Then he wrote a second edition (last year). good read. Unlike alarmtards, Salby actually did his math. His book proves AGW is a lot of hot air, without any actual hot air.

      • Send Al to the Pole says:

        Your refs are these trash sites? There is nothing but garbage at these two sites and no one here is fooled. You’re wasting your time.

      • Gail Combs says:

        UNskepticalscience and the Smogblog? Aren’t they Fenton Communication propaganda sites?

      • B says:

        In other words, the usual treatment for people who go against the status-quo.

        Find some accounting errors and paperwork issues to discredit a person and put together a half-assed response that true believers can point to.

        • bobmaginnis says:

          Salby claims CO2 follows temperature, but then posts a recent graph showing CO2 going up while temperature hasn’t. CO2 shouldn’t have gone up in the last 17 years if we are to believe him.

        • philjourdan says:

          I gather you have no clue what you are talking about. Not surprising.

          Historically, according to ice core samples, CO2 has FOLLOWED temperature increases. So at least historically they could not have CAUSED the increase in temperatures. And the lag is also 800 years.

          Currently CO2 is going up. So what happened about the 1200s? Hmmm, would that be the MWP?

          Shazaam! But of course you do not know that. Your whole world is only 30 years old.

        • bobmaginnis says:
          June 2, 2014 at 8:45 pm

          Salby claims CO2 follows temperature, but then posts a recent graph showing CO2 going up while temperature hasn’t. CO2 shouldn’t have gone up in the last 17 years if we are to believe him.

          You are a true dumbass.

          First you claim that temperatures went up in the 20th century. Okay. Then you claim that now (after a long temperature rise) CO2 is rising without temperatures going up. Then you try to claim that CO2 rise does not follow temperature rise. Do surprise us all & admit you see the hole in your argument.

        • B says:

          re: bobm June 2, 2014 at 8:45 pm

          I can suggest paying closer attention to the presentation. All of it. Furthermore, I don’t expect to find 100% agreement with anyone, and I don’t here.What was most interesting to me, is that he addressed a question I have long had about ice core data. I’ve got a couple more, but he addressed a big one.

          I only wish people would challenge authority on things 1/10 of how they challenge those who question authority. Most of we are fed (on all subjects) relies on it being from authority and would fall apart with mere 10% the effort put towards people who don’t fall in line.

      • Since those are nothing but opinion pieces by people paid to promote a certain agenda, I’ll assume you have no actual arguments. Nice seeing our resident anti-science idiot still posting tripe though.

      • timg56 says:


        have you ever tried posting a comment at either site which didn’t agree with the opinions of the moderators there?

        One method for determining the value to place on a blog or webpage is in seeing how they control the debate. Sites which tightly monitor comment and delete opinions or posting of data which is not in step with what the mods are saying should be discounted, if not avoided completely. If you are going to rely on either of these two as sources of information, don’t waste your time in discussion. Your opinion alrerady has to be locked in.

      • philjourdan says:

        let me guess – you are a sock puppet. A real person would never use those 2 sites for anything other than derision. They are bereft of facts.

  11. squid2112 says:

    There is little or no correlation between rising CO2 and global temperature.

    Check that … there is absolutely NO correlation between CO2 and temperature … period

  12. Gail Combs says:

    Jo Nova has a great article on the idiocy of the EPAs new plan.

  13. omanuel says:

    “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an apparence if solidity to pure wind.”
    – George Orwell

  14. Bulaman says:

    There is good correlation with rising temp and the area of land under irrigation. If you want to look at a real hockey stick then look at the change in land area under irrigation. The number 1 greenhouse gas is … H2O
    Never forget
    Correlation is not causation!!

    • Gail Combs says:


      Someone else who does not understand the latent heat of vaporization, or albedo. Nor does he understand you get a false correlation when there is a link but no real science behind the correlation.

      1. Rise in temperature is linked to the increase in warmth from the Urban heat island effect…. More use of nice cheap energy thanks to modern civilization and technology

      2. Increase in the Urban heat island effect is linked to population growth.

      3. Increase in population growth is linked to more land under cultivation.

      4. More land under cultivation is linked to more irrigation…. More use of nice cheap energy thanks to modern civilization and technology.

      But nothing is keeping you and the rest of your leftest buddies from sailing to Africa or Latin America in a wooden boat with cotton sails and taking up a low energy agrarian life style. While you are at it take all the democrats in DC with you including Barack.

      OH, and just in case you wondered water vapor IS NOT a hockey stick Graph relative humidity (Temp hasn’t changed for 17 years)

      Graph Specific Humidity

      And the albedo is NOT a hockey stick Earthshine Graph

      This graph is especially interesting since the low level clouds have DECREASED while high and mid level clouds INCREASED. Some how I do not think that connects very well with moisture from irrigation. – Change in cloud cover at different levels Graph

    • tom0mason says:

      Some more correlations –

  15. Owen says:

    Obama hates the USA. He’s doing everything he can to wreck it. Your worst enemy is your President. Wake up America !

  16. Ockham57 says:

    “Despite a 10% increase in CO2 since 1996…”

    This is 10% considering a rise from 360ppm to 400ppm (40/400). There is another way to look at it. The total increase from the late 1800’s is 120 ppm. So, a 40ppm since 1996 is a full 1/3 of the total CO2 increase from supposed historical levels. And, we have had that 1/3 of the total increase of the last 140 years in only about the last 20 years. And, what have global temperatures done … they have not budged. Sounds worser this way. BTW, I really like “alarmtards”.


    • Gail Combs says:

      If the total increase from the late 1800?s is 120 ppm. Then the CO2 in the 1800s was 280 ppm. When I first looked into CO2 levels this a link showed @ 200 pm CO2 trees starved: It now defaults to this link. During the last glaciation Carbon starvation was found in glacial trees recovered from the La Brea tar pits Seems they had to “adjust the data” to fit the ice core narrative.

      However this field study shows wheat sucks the CO2 out of the area until a steady state of 300 ppm is reached during the day.

      The CO2 concentration at 2 m above the crop was found to be fairly constant during the daylight hours on single days or from day-to-day throughout the growing season ranging from about 310 to 320 p.p.m. Nocturnal values were more variable and were between 10 and 200 p.p.m. higher than the daytime values.

      An interesting comment was made by Peter Foster over at WUWT in February.

      The date of the Permian extinction used to be put at about 249 – 250 mya which coincided with the start of the Siberian traps volcanoes, now it has been determined to be at 252 mya which was several million years before the traps volcanoes.

      Secondly this is a period of geologic time in which CO2 was the lowest in geologic history (well of the last 600 million years). The lack of CO2 mean that plant photosynthesis could not maintain the O2 levels in the water and atmosphere causing O2 to drop from 35% down to 15% at the time of the extinctions and further drop to 12 % before recovering during the Triassic.

      The lack of Oxygen in the water allowed sulfur bacteria to grow and make significant area of ocean anoxic through production of H2S. This was what caused the mass extinction in my view. The decomposition of dead organisms coupled with substantially reduced photosynthesis caused the CO2 to rise to a peak at the time of the extinction and before the Traps volcanoes started. It was this temporary peak that brought the extinctions to a halt and allowed for a little rebound in O2 levels.
      The extinction was also preceded by an ice age which helped to lower CO2 levels. When the ice age ended warmer conditions perhaps accelerated the removal of O2 leading to the extinctions.

      Re effect of ice age on CO2 – preindustrial levels of CO2 are put at around 270 ppm. This level is also consistent with Vostok ice core data for interglacial periods but the general ice age levels are 100ppm below this. At 180 ppm plant struggle to survive as it is very close to the 150 ppm plant death zone.

      To summarise:
      * Unless their is a substantial injection of CO2 its removal from the biosphere continues as it did from the Cambrian to the Permian. (mainly from limestone formation and fossil deposition.
      * When CO2 drops below 300 ppm plants cannot maintain the O2 levels in the atmosphere.
      * Oxygen levels drop and growth of anaerobes increases.
      * Oceans become anoxic and toxic to life
      * Mass extinctions occur
      * decomposition exceeds photosynthesis – CO2 rises again
      * new input of CO2 eg Siberian Traps volcanoes reinvigorates plant growth and life continues.
      Therefore the cause of the extinctions was the lack of CO2, the spike stopped the extinctions.

      Not exactly a comment to give you the warm fuzzies.

      This is one fact that will certainly not make it into any of the President’s reports or speeches is it?. Nor will any facts that increased atmospheric CO2 would substantially increase yields of plant nutrition. Over 4000 peer-reviewed studies have been performed on over 600 plant species to determine their response to CO2. The results show that adding 300 PPM of CO2 causes substantial increases in crop yields.

      Me? I want to see 1000 to 1500 ppm of CO2 just to be on the safe side.

  17. wwlee4411 says:

    Reblogged this on wwlee4411 and commented:
    Do you remember when he made this claim?

  18. timg56 says:

    But Steve,

    You are not taking into account the $96 billion in health savings we are going to get (according to that leading expert agency on human health, the EPA).

    Maybe this is how ObamaCare is really going to lower health care costs.

    • Mike D says:

      $96 billion? That’s small potatoes. They’re claiming ” $55 billion to $93 billion per
      year in 2030.” Here’s the way they get that, and I guess they’re putting value on preventing premature deaths. Not sure what the going rate is for that.

      Reducing exposure to particle pollution and ozone in 2030 will avoid a projected 
      o 2,700 to 6,600 premature deaths 
      o 140,000 to 150,000 asthma attacks in children 
      o 340 to 3,300 heart attacks  
      o 2,700 to 2,800 hospital admissions 
      o 470,000 to 490,000 missed school and work days 

      To show what liars these guys are, start putting some numbers on the value of these things and it takes unbelievable amounts of money to get to even $19 billion.

      If I value the preventing premature deaths, heart attacks, and hospital admissions at $1 million each, that is only $13 billion. What’s the value of an asthma attack or missed school or work day? If I use $10,000 for each of the asthma attacks and missed work days, it gets to only $19 billion.

      I have to use $5 million for each prevented premature death, heart attack, and hospital admission, and $45,000 for each asthma incident and missed school and work day to get to $92.3 billion. This savings is another complete fraud even if they were right about what it would do. They’re using unbelievable values for those savings.

      I’m using their “Fact Sheet: By the numbers.”

    • Gail Combs says:

      The real saving is by killing off old people faster and by denying them health care and tests “Because you are too old” – It already happened to my husband. Doctor wanted to order some cancer tests he would ordinarily order for people Hubby’s age but now he is no longer allowed to do so under the new Obummercare rules.

  19. Eliza says:

    Gail I think you are 100% correct LOL.BTW C02 lags temprature in all paleontological stuidies ice cores etc. Just heat up a bottle of coke and see what happens, it so basic its pathetic that the people about to kill millions by denying them energyshould know this…

    • Gail Combs says:

      If that bottle of coke is a plastic bottle, stash it in a closet for a year and then try to drink it . YUCK – flatter that Obummer’s chest.

      All the CO2 has migrated out through the plastic, yet they want us to believe ice is an impermeable container for CO2. RIIIiiiight!

  20. SMS says:

    This president is clearly not able to grasp simple logic. No doubt due to the high intake of “choom” during the early years when the brain functions are forming. He has surrounded himself with like minded (incomplete brain function) comrades that validate his warped view of how the US constitution is to be interpreted.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Oh, Obummer grasps logic all right.

      He completely understands that crippling the US economy via “CO2 regulations” will bankrup the USA ====> IMF/World Bank SAPs ====> Civil Unrest ====> removal of the right to own guns and a “New Constitution”

      In other words this is the best way to advance a socialist one world government the true goal of the UN, WTO and many of our un-American so called leaders beholden to the international bankers and the transnational corporations.

      Boy that was weird. In looking up the whirledbank link, google did everything possible to direct me to a world bank link instead. It used to be if I got close to the spelling it was the first link listed. This time it took five tries to get the link.

  21. Gail Combs says:

    gator69 says:
    …. But using ‘Dick’ Durbin and as sources shows your desperation, and gullibility.
    No it shows that a high ranking DemiRat just stuck his foot in his mouth and admitted what everyone and his brother should realize by now. The guys that OWN the US$$ printing press have Congressmen and Senators by the short hairs and twist as needed.

    All that dancing around when Ron Paul tried to nail the banks down and find out WHERE our tax payer bailout $$$ where going SHOULD have told every single person in this country that the Banks/FED calls the shots not our supposed government officials.

    I mean really, shouldn’t WHERE the $$$$ are going have been part of the bailout deal in the first place? The IRS sure wants a close accounting.

    Turns out that when the bankers FINALLY coughed up the info, the $$$ were sent overseas to bailout the European Union…. shades of what Congressman McFadden was griping about and he got assassinated for having the Errr … Chutzpah for opening his mouth.

    I am not kidding about the power of the bankers. The Federal Government tangled with them in 1951 … And LOST!

    WRIGHT PATMAN Chairman 1964

    Do bankers believe that they own the Federal Reserve banks.
    Yes. 100% of the “stock” is owned by the private banks. Also after instigating “the Accord” It was later revealed by testimony of some of the Federal Reserve officials to committees of Congress that the Open Market Committee had held a meeting on August 18 and decided not only to raise the discount rate, but to “go their own way” on the Government longer term bond rate as well, despite what the President, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the head of the Office of Defense Mobilization might do”….Therefore the Federal Reserve is not answerable to the President or Congress or the electorate, nor even to a government audit or even Congressional funding!

    Since the signing of the so-called accord, in March of 1951, this event has been widely interpreted as an understanding, reached between the Treasury and the Federal Reserve, that the Federal Reserve would henceforth be “independent.” It would no longer ” peg Government bond prices. It would raise or lower interest rates as it might see fit, as a means of trying to prevent inflation or deflation. These are understandings which have been grafted onto the accord over the years. Certainly, no such understandings were universal at the time the accord was signed. …. At the end of 1951, then, the Federal Reserve had both self-proclaimed independence, as a result of the accord, and an operational policy which aimed at maximum credit effects through minimum changes in interest rates…..

    the Federal Reserve people were quite sure that they could do a better job of running the country than the President, and with only slight increases in interest rates. … It then added another string to its bow- the “bills only” policy. … Henceforth when the Treasury issued bonds or medium-term securities, it was to dump these issues on the market and watch the natural consequences-first a drop in bond prices, then a gradual recovery as the market absorbed the bonds. Any private rigging or manipulations of the market were to go without interference from the Federal Reserve, as were any speculative booms or panics short of a “disorderly” market. The “bills-only” policy had only one reservation: The Federal Reserve would buy long-term bonds in the event that the Open Market Committee made a findings that the market was disorderly. [ full details starting on pg 103]

    From the Wall Street Journal: The Federal Reserve’s Covert Bailout of Europe
    When is a loan between central banks not a loan? When it is a dollars-for-euros currency swap.

    Judicial Watch Sues Federal Reserve for Records Detailing U.S. Taxpayer Bailout of European Banks

    The Federal Reserve’s Transcripts: The Greatest Propaganda Coup of Our Time?

    • Gail Combs says:

      Do I hate the banks? Darn right I do. Allowing bankers to print money at will is theft on such a grand scale that it has drained this country of her wealth and may soon bankrupt us.

      • gator69 says:

        Gail, the problem is not the banks, it is the government. We have allowed our once controllable government to become an all powerful behemoth. Don’t blame the fox when the farmer fails to put a door on the henhouse.

        Next subject please.

        • Gail Combs says:

          How do we get our control back then gator?

        • gator69 says:

          For starters, stop blaming the symptoms.

          Next topic please.

        • B says:

          The banks are the government.

          The government hasn’t been controllable for a very long time. The Wilson administration is where control was lost. Not only the fed, but with the direct election of senators and freezing the size of the house there was no longer a way to keep the federal government in check. Both senators and representatives became unaccountable. The districts became too large for people to hold them accountable. The senators were held in check by the state governments that appointed them. With two per state they too were unaccountable due to too many people being ‘represented’ by them.

          This USA died in 1913. It’s just taken awhile for most people to notice.

        • philjourdan says:

          I think you will get along very well with Gail.

        • gator69 says:

          Geesh! I can always tell who has never actually worked for a major bank, except maybe as a teller.

          The Dodd-Frank Act is one of the most anti-bank pieces of legislation ever known, it cut my department’s profits in half overnight, and then proceeded to torture us with never ending regulation. I watched as career bankers were led out of the building by security guards, an entire division in one morning.

          I watched as we hired auditor after auditor trying just to keep up with all the new requirements. Management teams worked late into the night, month in and month out for years trying to keep Uncle Skeeter happy. Each time we had to hire another auditor, another banker lost his or her job. We were no longer able to help our customers and were forced to write off huge accounts that we previously would have kept. Our customers were also adversely effected, and all because Big Brother thought He knew better than the banks.

          Dodd-Frank is proof positive that banks are not running this country.

          Are there rich banking lobbyists colluding with greedy politicians and making money off legislation? (Duh) Would this be possible if our government were held in check? No.

          Money follows power. Place the power in the hands of the people, and you can starve Big Brother. Bad bankers are the symptom, not the disease.

          You guys sound like a bunch of OWS whiners.

        • philjourdan says:

          To the left, regulations cost nothing. So if they do nothing, no harm no foul (and hence why Obama has written so many). But those auditors did not work for free. Your time was not free. All that time and effort to conform cost a lot of money. And banks are not non-profit institutions. So the cost had to come from somewhere.

          Hello transaction fees! Hello fees on small accounts!

        • omanuel says:

          We citizens of the world from different walks of life are like blind men trying to describe an elephant.

          Independently we each convince ourselves the problem is the bankers, the unions, the scientists, ministers, etc.

          The root of the problem is FEAR-induced selfishness, self-centeredness in all of us, the survival instinct.

        • Colorado Wellington says:

          Dodd-Frank is proof positive that banks are not running this country.

          A similar observation can be made about Sarbanes-Oxley and public corporations.

        • Colorado Wellington says:

          Bad bankers are the symptom, not the disease.

          … and bad corporate governance is the symptom, not the cause of the country’s governmental crisis.

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