A Hockey Stick Of Data Tampering In The Northeastern US

NOAA creates the appearance of warming in the Northeastern US by massively tampering with the temperature record. The turn a 90 year cooling trend into a strong warming trend – by simply altering the data.

ScreenHunter_545 Jun. 18 08.05

Note the spectacular hockey stick of data tampering after 1980.

ScreenHunter_544 Jun. 18 07.45

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to A Hockey Stick Of Data Tampering In The Northeastern US

  1. Jason Calley says:

    How exciting it would be to have a time machine and to travel back to the early Holocene — say maybe 1920 or so. Imagine interacting with the primitive early humans of that era as they struggled to read the very first thermometers, then clumsily grasping tally sticks and flimsy straws with their barely prehensile thumbs in an effort to record their observations!

    So ancient! So primitive! It is a wonder that they even managed to get readings accurate to a degree or two…

  2. Hugh K says:

    Astounding. Yet crickets from a compliant/complicit media…

    • Gail Combs says:

      A media with a basement full of archived papers containing the weather report, yesterdays highs and lows and news of unusual weather events.

      GEE, I guess the namby-pamby journalists of today are too scared of mice and spiders to do a bit of research in their own back papers.

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