Gavin Getting His New Job Done

Gavin has jumped into his new job at GISS of generating fake global warming data for the White House, and has made May the warmest on record globally. Never mind that May, 2014 was an average month, much cooler than 1998 and 2010 – and May temperatures have actually been in decline for 16 years. That isn’t what the boss wants to see.

ScreenHunter_570 Jun. 20 23.37


GISS May temperatures are diverging from RSS at a phenomenal 2.1ºC per century.

ScreenHunter_571 Jun. 20 23.47

Nice work Gavin! Well done.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Gavin Getting His New Job Done

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Since science is not getting the message through, perhaps Gavin might take a leaf from Queensland experts (home of John Kook) who are calling on divine help.

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    OT, but there’s an interesting story in NextBigFuture about iron seeding of the ocean off of Canada. An excerpt:

    120 tons of iron sulphate of fertilization into the ocean boosted fish catch by over 100,000 tons – We get a lot of fish and solve the CO2 climate problem

    About 20 months ago, an American businessman conducted a massive ocean fertilisation test, fertilizing around 100 tonnes of iron sulphate off Canada’s coast, it has emerged the Canadian government may have known about the geo-engineering scheme and not stopped it. Satellite images confirmed the claim by Californian Russ George that the iron has spawned an artificial plankton bloom as large as 10,000 square kilometres. Now it appears that the fish catch in the area was boosted by over 100,000 tons.

    Those at nextbigfuture are looking at this iron seeding as a possible panacea type geo-engineering solution that could start reducing CO2 ppm levels, and lead to a dramatic increases in ocean productivity, all with no side effects. …. Except, I don’t know, I left this comment:

    a couple of points. If you reduced the CO2 level in the atmosphere it would lead to a reduction in agricultural productivity on land. So, that would be a cost. Nevertheless, on the face of it, this iron seeding sounds like a potential major boon to civilization! Although there might be an absolute limit to have much of the seeding we could do, because if CO2 were to just keep on dropping, eventually we’d all be dead, as plants need something like 180ppm to survive.

  3. Chip Bennett says:

    PROTIP (for our Troll du jour): generally speaking, arbitrary adjustment of raw data to the extent that the overall data trend is reversed is something that will get you kicked out of a 100-level engineering course.

    • Gail Combs says:

      In a federally regulated industry it could get you a nice cushy jail cell especially if linked to human deaths.

  4. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    Chris Booker has an article on your work, Steve, in the UK Telegraph today.

    The scandal of fiddled global warming data

    Of course its not only the US. We here too in Australia have it being done with our temperature data, as does New Zealand.

    Only by explicitly comparing raw and adjusted data, and explaining it openly and honestly, can the IPCC linked people give themselves a chance of being believed. Since they try to dissemble and hide endlessly it suggests they are not doing it honestly.

    Its their choice – be open or be damned.

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