Different Visions Of Freedom

Progressives are bringing a new definition of freedom to the US, slightly different from the vision millions have given their lives for.

Progressives vision of freedom is being free to get your wang cut off, use any bathroom you want, and then when true freedom arrives – marry your transgender sister or pet.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Different Visions Of Freedom

  1. Jayden Smith says:

    You know what I admire about you Steven? You’re always so scientific, and completely un-biased by politics. Your commentary is always so balanced and reasonable. It almost makes me wish you’d just take a side already.

  2. au1corsair says:

    Sounds like the Progressive Movement has pirated the script from “The Adjustment Bureau.” You may only have the illusion of free will–but the real thing is too dangerous for mere humans…

  3. Send Al to the Pole says:

    It won’t stop there. This dementia has no limits.

  4. Conservative says:

    So True. Us conservatives want the freedom to be oppressed by the un-elected and accountable rich (and multi-national corporations). But all bloody liberals want is the freedom to be oppressed by their elected representatives that they have the freedom to oust if they’re unhappy with them. It sickens me.

  5. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    Steve:That’s the best definition of a progressive yet.

    You really got to “Jayden” there too. “Jayden” is a very progressive name: It could be anything.

  6. Ivan says:

    I’m all for cutting the wangs off “progressives”. If I had my way, every “progressive” would have his wang cut off at birth.

    • _Jim says:

      A wasted effort; The trend is to use turkey basters anyway to get away from the concept of a man’s ‘involvement’ (never mind the other mechanics involved to get the ‘fluids’ required) …

  7. Andy DC says:

    Doesn’t insanity mean you are delusional? Isn’t believing that you are a woman when you are actually a man delusional?

    I don’t know how transgenders got lumped in the gays and lesbians, but it is a completely separate subject.

    • _Jim says:

      I don’t know if these ppl are delusional or crazy, but, they are definitely ONE of the two:

      – – – – –


      Swedish health authorities discover every girl in one class had undergone genital mutilation: report. We can learn so much from other cultures, which have different values than ours. “Of the 60, nearly half of the girls had undergone the most extreme form of female circumcision, in which the clitoris and labia are cut off and the vagina is sewn up to leave just a small opening. . . . A common practice is for immigrant parents to take their young girls to their home country, where the ritual is performed. Most often it is done with a razor blade or a knife, and without anesthesia.”

      – – – – – – –

      Maybe a better word is insane. I also note that emsnews takes no position one way or the other, but remember (using emsnews ‘logic’), the Republican Party better not take a position either way since these are female bodies that are involved


  8. JL says:

    “Cut your wang off, use any bathroom you want….” But never, never get to choose the type of light bulb you want.

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