Understanding Zero Tolerance

Dinesh D’Souza is being targeted by the wildly corrupt executive branch of government, for the crime of opposing the president. They say that a small campaign finance violation he made required $500,000 bond, due to their zero tolerance policy on campaign finance law.

This is the same White House which completely corrupted the election process and the core principles of the US, by targeting conservatives through the IRS. And the same White House which is now stonewalling and destroying evidence in that investigation.

I was listening to the investigations on C-Span radio today, and the Republicans are finally starting to behave like adult males are supposed to behave when threatened by a poisonous snake which has slipped into their tent.

When Obama said there “wasn’t a smidgen of corruption” he gave away the fact that he is intimately familiar with what the IRS has been doing.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Understanding Zero Tolerance

    • What could possibly go wrong? says:

      Easy one. Whatever you say will be no “proof”. There is enough proof out there that AGW is bullshit. If he wanted to take notice he could do so without some idiotic prize.

  1. slimething says:

    The Republicans aren’t doing jack. The first day this was brought to light they should have secured the hard drives through a court order, but they refused to appoint a special prosecutor which gave the criminals time to destroy the evidence and bury the bodies. Issa and Camp are two bumbling idiots who flapped their jaws instead of taking appropriate actions in a timely manner.

  2. philjourdan says:

    Obama has admitted at least 9 times to 9 different scandals that he has no clue. Why would anyone believe anything he says? Because there are bigger fools than he.

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