Tax Strategy

Next time the IRS questions you, just tell them that all six of your hard drives crashed, and you lost all of your records.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Tax Strategy

  1. Raindog says:

    but remember, according to the IRS – guilty until proven otherwise

  2. Truthseeker says:

    Again, is there some context to this post or is it just a random piece of advice?

  3. Dave N says:

    Didn’t Lerner thing. There’s bound to be some Flax.

  4. Justa Joe says:

    These guys watch Jon Stewart on a daily basis.

  5. philjourdan says:

    What is good for the goose is not good for the gander under the dictatorship of Obama.

  6. Sundance says:

    last night while watching the IRS hearing I learned from the new assclown testifying on behalf of the IRS that if 5% of 90,000 employees’ hard drives crash the IRS would have to replace 15,000 hard drives.

    It was shortly after Trey Gowdy exposed the new assclown’s complete disdain for truth and logic that I began to wonder why we still have an IRS and why we don’t have a flat tax?

  7. Brad says:

    And there will be some that defend the IRS even after all this.

  8. Neilm says:

    If you get Audited, tell them you emailed all your records to Lois Lerner late 2010, and because they were safe you destoyed the originals, They can get what they need from there own records

    • philjourdan says:

      Even 1990s tech sucks for hard drives! Remember MFM and RLL?? You had to realign the heads after every thousand miles (so many hours of use).

      That is how Gibson got rich – Gibson Spinrite (although his product is still a must have even for a crashed drive today).

  9. Brian H says:

    Since forever data recovery companies have known how to read and copy data off crashed drives, or at least the bulk of it. Lerner lies.

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