No, You Can’t Just Change The Data

Every year the past gets colder, and the present gets warmer. NASA and NOAA post no disclaimers saying that they are doing this. They simply alter the data to produce a steeper warming trend every year.

When called out on it, they say that the problem with their repeated data tampering in the dark of the night, is my “faulty analysis”  Apparently they think I traveled back in time and changed their graphs.

Every single graph needs to be plainly marked that they have reversed the 80 year trend from cooling to warming.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to No, You Can’t Just Change The Data

  1. tom0mason says:

    Any technical job in science is not about adjusting you data, its about measuring as accurately as can be done, Then testing your measurement data against your hypothesis.
    If the data does not fit the hypothesis then there is two options –

    1. You are not measuring correctly.
    Go away and think how to better your measurement regime.

    2. Your hypothesis is wrong.
    Go and think what the raw measurement’s are telling you, and come-up with a better idea.
    Failing that stop what you are doing and find another job.

    It is a cardinal sin to taint your raw data, contaminationing it to fit with your expectations – that is not science.

  2. gregole says:

    OK. I’ll bite. We have to fix the data. Well. Let’s get started.

    Any fix to raw data will incorporate some assumptions as to what is wrong. Temperatures too low? Well, doesn’t Man-Made CO2 cause more warming so shouldn’t it be adjusted upward? Well of course it should! You aren’t anti-science are you?

    But. By how much… And how do we actually know…Well of course, there will be some uncertainty; I mean we are working with raw data that needs remediation’ TOBS and all.

    But how bad is the data? So how much to fix? Once the fix is in; how certain are we that is the real number. Seems we need another metric.

    We need to know the uncertainty. The uncertainty of the original number. The uncertainty of the fixed or adjusted number. What is that uncertainty as a plus minus? Could it be larger than the supposed warming signal from Mankind and his horrible pollution of excess CO2?

    Just asking.

    Now look around at our world. Are seaports flooding? About that sea ice. How is your local weather? Here is Phoenix, the weather is fine, fine, fine.

    “It’s got the wide open spaces for you to roam,
    far from the cares of home.
    You can find heaven where angels play,
    Come out to Phoenix today.”
    (Emil Cadkin song: Phoenix, Arizona)

    Man-Made Global Warming: Get Over It.

  3. Eric Simpson says:

    Every year the past gets colder, and the present gets warmer. NASA and NOAA post no disclaimers saying that they are doing this. They simply alter the data to produce a steeper warming trend every year.

    It’s insane what these warmist b@stards are doing.

  4. Reblogged this on ScottishSceptic and commented:
    The evidence of malpractice.

  5. lleuadci says:

    The shutting down of ‘unfavourable’ thermometers (ie: too cold), and the homogenisation of historic data are the two most common techniques of warmists. The Australian Bureau of Meterology faced an audit about their data review ….promptly changed their dataset again, rendering the audit null. Guess what they’d do if another audit were proposed?

  6. philjourdan says:

    Government does not have to follow the rules set down for mere mortals. Note the emails in the IRS and EPA. Tell that the next time they subpoena your emails.

  7. Chip Bennett says:

    What are the chances that someone has kept a database of the “raw” data, and the daily manipulations?

    Now THAT would be the ultimate “smoking gun”: years of documented, daily manipulations to ostensibly raw data.

  8. RealSkeptic says:

    Hey Steven Goddard,

    It would be unfair for me to not apply the same skepticism towards your conclusions as the other conclusions, and so I ask for your source data and general methods. I realize that it is a lot of work, but simple links to the sources (or where I would find sources that you have already linked). I am capable of data analysis myself.

    I assume that you are wrong–prove otherwise please.

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