GHCN thermometer data shows Bathurst cooling 1.3C/century from 1910 to 1983, yet NASA shows Bathurst warming by 0.3C/century over that same period (using the same thermometer data.)
They accomplish this through an impressive hockey stick of data tampering.
A nice acknowledgement from Jennifer Marohasy
Readers should note that this is the Bathurst in central New South Wales, not the other Bathurst (now known as Banjul) which is the Capital of Gambia in West Africa.
I read somewhere that the algorithm the (NASA/BOM et al) use for the adjustment is based on the atmospheric CO2 measurements. So the tail wagging the dog. Peer reviewed of course.
That would mean there would be a high correlation between temp adjustments and the CO2.
I think you may have charted that already Steve. If not, it might be interesting.