More Permanent Drought Coming To The Southwest

ScreenHunter_2856 Sep. 16 21.24

Odile Poised to Bring Catastrophic Flooding to Southwest US


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to More Permanent Drought Coming To The Southwest

  1. mjc says:

    Wait for it…the next major catastrophe to strike the SW and CA will be mudslides.

  2. KTM says:

    This is just weather, the climate in Arizona is still stuck in perma-drought.

    • Luke of the D says:

      That’s right! Weather is when we need it to be and climate is what we call it when it is. Got it?

      Oh and something else… I was driving north on I75 through mid-Ohio today and heard on a local news cast something to the effect of “NASA predicted hurricanes in the Atlantic would be catastrophic but apparently got it wrong because of global warming. Instead Pacific hurricanes are setting records!” I just drove 9 hours so I’m not too fly about looking to see if in fact the (eastern) Pacific hurricanes are actually setting records, but I know that is what they meant.

    • Colorado has perma-drought several times a day.

  3. What percentage of the billions spent(wasted) on CAGW has been used to mitigate the effects of our constantly changing climate? It seems to me that if 97% of the cult leaders believe in permanent drought they would be working hard on a solution or discouraging the further unsustainable influx of people & development in the areas prone to long-term drought.

    I read very little about Aquifer Recharge and wonder why there are not ASR Mega-Projects throughout the Southwest all over the news? I’d rather see a focus on actual solutions than tilting with windmills. How practical is ASR? Is it cost effective? Can flood waters be diverted into holding reservoirs, treated and utilized by ASR processes in a cost effective manner?

    The EPA seems to have updates on current technology ending in 2007-2009.

    Aquifer Recharge (AR) and Aquifer Storage & Recovery (ASR)

    Artificial aquifer recharge (AR) is the enhancement of natural ground water supplies using man-made conveyances such as infiltration basins or injection wells. Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) is a specific type of AR practiced with the purpose of both augmenting ground water resources and recovering the water in the future for various uses.

    • mjc says:

      That’s because they don’t want real answers to real problems. Magical, alchemical hogwash for made up problems is much more glamorous and lucrative, so why bother with anything else. Besides, if there are fewer humans around, because they all dehydrated, then you don’t really need to do anything about providing more water for them, do you?

    • David A says:

      By the mid 1980 calif had added so many open canal lines to fields, that the natural recharge into the central valley aquifer was keeping the water table level for the most part with an increase in some areas of the North. ( I have not followed this sense, so do not know what has happened sense.).

      It would not surprise me to see the progressives pass a law on water table withdraw, and case more farmers to go broke, while the politicians forget that aquifers recharge on heavy years, and drop on drought years. Larger reservoirs ,more canals, and less flow to costal cities like san fran and LA where decent nuclear powered desalinization plants can supply massive fresh water.

      • mjc says:

        That’s what would happen in a sane, rational area…but this is CA we are talking about. Sanity is optional and rationality is a totally foreign concept.

  4. John F. Hultquist says:

    You might ask yourself – “Self, how did the desert landscape develop?”

    See 3.a:

    although wind is a significant factor in desert conditions, water is still the dominant agent of erosion capable of moving larger fragments and quantities of sediment at any given instant.

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