Shouldn’t They Be Holding Their Climate Protest In The Arctic?

ScreenHunter_69 Jun. 11 21.44

Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club Canada


ScreenHunter_409 Jan. 18 21.32

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Shouldn’t They Be Holding Their Climate Protest In The Arctic?

  1. darrylb says:

    I got this figured out. I made $10 playing black jack one day and around $30 the next day and finally close to $90 in the third day…………Lessee;;;;;;;;oh yeah…….. If I play for 10 days………… and I know that if I play for 15 days…………………Well, if I don’t get tired in 20 days…… yep….
    I can buy…………………Vegas…………….then the Sierra Club and Greenpeace!
    Aren’t models and extrapolation great!

  2. Jason Calley says:

    If you or I tried such blatant and deceitful manipulation we would be crippled with remorse; not so for the CAGW leaders. One of the hallmarks of the socipath is the inability to feel shame or guilt.

    Have any of the over-paid instigators of the global warming hoax come forward and plainly admitted their errors?

  3. iurockhead says:

    A bit OT, but regarding the Peoples Climate March tomorrow in NY, the watermelons are getting red on the outside, too.

  4. Billy Liar says:

    Looks like Beckwith was fired by the Sierra Club. He made one post in October ’13 about the Alberta tar sands and nothing since.

    He will live on in internet history along with Dr David ‘Children won’t know what snow is’ Viner.

  5. Billy Liar says:

    In the end, I think Professor Peter Wadhams ‘will just melt away quite suddenly’.

  6. norilsk says:

    It’s time for these false prophets to fall on their swords.

  7. rishrac says:

    Will this be a swimming parade? After all, NYC should be flooded up to 20 ft. by now.

  8. Andy Oz says:

    Alarmists in general, are sociopaths, who hate the human species, masquerading as environmentalists.
    I have zero time for their lies. They have been found out as frauds and need to be dismissed from the discussion.

    PS for people who are anti NFL due to a few idiots, look up the Devin Hester interview after Thursday nights Falcons game. He’s an icon of the game. Chicago Bears will regret letting him go.

  9. Truthseeker says:

    Some sanity has prevailed at opposite ends of the earth.

    Scotland votes decisively to stay part of the United Kingdom (54% to 46% on an 86% turnout!)
    NZ overwhelmingly returns the ruling National (conservative) Party (48% of the vote – 61 of 121 seats).

    Using climate homogenisation – the world is no longer going insane …

  10. markstoval says:


    I have been hoping to see a real public debate someday between a climate realist and an alarmist like Mr. Beckwith. It could be done entirely over the net I guess, but I am thinking more along the lines of a small conference room at the Hyatt or something like that with someone filming it so it could be put up here and one youtube or whatever. People would pay a small amount to get to see the debate live.

    The costs don’t have to be astronomical and I bet you could set up a fund and get donations. I am a poor man, but I would kick in some small amount to defray hiring the room. Heck, it could become an ongoing thing with other true believers invited.

    The biggest problem I see is that most people challenged would most likely duck the invitation to debate. They would most likely call you names and say that the “debate is over” or other garbage.

    Think it over Steve.

    ~ Mark

  11. BallBounces says:

    “We now face an angry climate”.

    Or, as Marine Biologist/Climate Scientist George Castanza put it, “the sea was angry that day, my friend”.

  12. au1corsair says:

    “If a tree falls in the forest and there is nobody around to hear it, does it make a noise?”
    Put TV cameras in the Arctic and the support infrastructure (liquor stores to loot, police forces to throw rocks at, buildings to torch) and protestors will come!
    Cities already have all of these things. Anti-logging protests in wilderness areas fizzled. Nobody cared. No failing malls got burned down (for insurance reasons).
    Doesn’t matter what the STATED cause, we advanced primates love good riots!

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