Doctor Says CO2 Causes Cancer

“Carbon pollution directly results in asthma, heart disease, and cancer,” said Dr. Steve Auerbach, a New York pediatrician who also marched in his lab coat.

400,000 Converge on Manhattan to Demand Climate Change Action | TIME

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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34 Responses to Doctor Says CO2 Causes Cancer

  1. omanuel says:

    We are witnessing the effectiveness of the propaganda artist that really:

    1. Won WWII in late August 1945
    2. Formed the UN on 24 Oct 1945

    In order to expand his totalitarian rule of the USSR globally:

  2. cdquarles says:

    Hmm. Where did that, um, person graduate from and how did he pass his Boards? /sarc

  3. dmmcmah says:

    That is an amazingly stupid quote.

  4. Bob Greene says:

    I think the doctor is correct. There is a 100% chance that every victim of asthma, heart disease and cancer has inhaled atmospheric carbon (dioxide). Also, water, molecular oxygen and molecular nitrogen among a few other compounds. Carbon dioxide contains oxygen, so is it carbon pollution or oxygen pollution causing these diseases. I guarantee that if these pollutants are removed from the atmosphere, the incidences of these diseases will dramatically decrease.

  5. I. Lou Minotti says:

    Assholes, all.

  6. davesix says:

    Finished last in his class in Grenada.

  7. He said carbon, not carbon dioxide. Somebody is spreading carbon all around.

    • Gail Combs says:

      The fact the ‘Doctor’ is either:
      1. Talking about fine particle carbon/soot that causes lung disease and linking that solid to the gas in the air
      2. Is using the word carbon to mean the molecule CO2

      Shows he is no scientist and can’t even think logically so should have his license to practice medicine revoked.

  8. bit chilly says:

    remember the assholes name,and never let him treat any of your kids if they end up in hospital.what a fool.

  9. Alexandre says:

    I should stop to breath

  10. philjourdan says:

    He forgot the heartache of psoriasis.

  11. DedaEda says:

    Earth salvation would come if all the idiots proclaiming CO2 a pollution would stop exhaling…

  12. John B., M.D. says:

    There is a difference between carbon particulates and CO2, but of course this climate change protestor purposely conflated the two.

    Does he know the health consequences of drinking water contaminated by the heavy metals in run-off from tailings from lithium and rare earths mining (i.e. elements used in green energy tech)?

  13. darrylb says:

    I have to take my leave of this, I can stand only so much stupidity.
    (as in that of the doctor) fresh air, social interchange, most of all the grand kids are the cure!

  14. David says:

    I went to the climate rally Sat. In Santa fe Nm. A guy actually told me there was no cancer until the industrial revolution. Blaming cancer on a nonpollutant

  15. Mark Luhman says:

    I read further, it looks like Gail is right, we have more cancer because most of us live longer, It also look also like the rate of bone cancer which affect young people has not change much.

    • We have more cancer because people don’t die of smallpox anymore, or yellow fever, scarlet fever, flu, plague, tuberculosis…..

      • mjc says:

        Sort of…there are a number of cancers, that as a percentage are actually LOWER now, but the number of those who suffer from it is higher. One that I can think of is prostate cancer. So, it’s really a multiple factor reason, with the larger population that lives longer being the primary reason.

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