Climate Scientists Take Dishonesty To A New Level

Climate experts at NASA and NCDC tell us that global temperatures are currently at record levels, despite the fact they are below the 18 year average. No doubt just a coincidence that they made up this lie a few days ahead of Obama’s climate summit.

ScreenHunter_3081 Sep. 26 08.06

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Climate Scientists Take Dishonesty To A New Level

  1. Eliza says:

    Ot but appellants are beginning to reply to Mann. If it is finally found that the mann committed fraud surely Nature etc will have to withdraw all the publications?

  2. omanuel says:

    No, it is no mere coincidence when a “scientist” on the government payroll
    discovers evidence to support the opinion of the government head.

    Stalin had that form of totalitarian rule of science and society down to a fine art before these unreported and supposedly unrelated events in Aug-Sept 1945:

    1. Stalin’s troops captured Japan’s atomic bomb plant at Konan, Korea

    2. His troops shot down and captured the crew of an American bomber

    3. His forces interrogated the crew and negotiated with the US until finally releasing them in Sept 1945

    Followed by this event on 24 Oct 1945:

    4. The UN was established to expand Stalin’s totalitarianism globally.

  3. philjourdan says:

    They can “adjust” land temperatures all they want. but too many eyes are on the Satellites.

  4. elmer says:

    What would the slope be if the above chart started in 1998?

  5. bit chilly says:

    note the peak of the 1998 el nino compared to the 2010 event . could well be we have seen the last of oceanic heat contribution to the atmosphere for a long time if major oscillations are heading into negative phases.

  6. gofer says:

    Homeland Security Tackles Climate Change:

    When Sandy hit, all of a sudden one hurricane became the face of climate change. All the hurricanes that hit elsewhere apparently don’t matter. Its the one hurricane that hit the heart of leftism. Its brought up in every article like this one. While the world is in turmoil, they fight an imaginary crisis. After all these years, its still hard to compehend this insanity is still around and is nothing more than astrology. Their crystal ball computer models are all that matters. I suspect this is only an excuse for them to increase their budget by billions.

    Meanwhile, Ca is going to spend some of the 1 Billion from cap n trade to send 50 air-headed kids out to raise awareness. How generous of them. They are the modern equivalent of ancient kings who told the peasants to bring their gold offerings or the sun would disappear. When the eclipse started, the gold poured in and the sun returned. 30 years ago they started to tell us the apocalypse was going to happen unless billions were distributed and we shunned prosperity. If they had been able to get everything in place, we would now be hearing how the “pause” was the result. Now they are in trouble and scrambling to cover lies with more lies. The march and now this is nothing more than giving CPR to a dying movement as the true agenda emerges.

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