North Korea Threatens To Use Their Fission Bomb Against The US Arsenal Of Thermonuclear Weapons

That would be really smart……

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to North Korea Threatens To Use Their Fission Bomb Against The US Arsenal Of Thermonuclear Weapons

  1. suyts says:

    Were I a player in this game, I’d call and raise. One positive thing wikileaks has provided is the knowledge that China is tired of these morons, too. Also, I’m fairly certain they can’t deliver the weapons to the U.S. What good would it do to bomb S. Korea? They would end up killing millions of themselves. All that is worst case scenario.

    Reality…..the U.S. has conditioned these dogs to behave in this manner. When things get a bit tough, they’ve rattled their sabers and we’ve paid them well to stop. Now, apparently, they want more. No. They get no more. It is time this BS stops. Its past time. If they want to be a secluded nation, so be it. Who cares? If they want a seat at the table, they’re going to have to quit showing their ass. They’re not pertinent nor relevant. Its time to stop their idiocy before something really relevant is in danger.

    Sadly, N. Korea has provided Obambi the one and only chance to get re-elected. If he takes a hard stance against this 3rd world nation, we would then be able to project strength. I’m not holding my breath.

  2. peterhodges says:

    this is all coming early.

    when i worked for INSCOM, i forecasted ~2020 as the flashpoint

    and we can thank hezb’allah for thwarting the last set up to WWIII by kicking Israels ass.

    we might not be so lucky with n korea.

    the owning class thinks they can continuously whittle away at china with low intensity conflict. i hope they are right. because china plans on fighting a nuclear war, and winning. do we?

  3. mari says:

    n korea is not playing with the us they will despite claims of poor econ will kick are and s koreas asses and go back to what they were doing make bombs and selling them to rouge countries

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