How Much Does Climate Change Cost?

Yesterday’s fossil fuel powered thunderstorm cost me $70 for a new derailleur, bracket and and chain.

ScreenHunter_1913 May. 17 12.50

But it is worse than it seems. Looks like my front derailleur is also broken, so back to the store. (At least I can ride this time on my smallest chain ring.) Climate change will run me over $100 this week.

I don’t ever remember seeing a thunderstorm in Maryland below 350 PPM CO2. Of course I was never in Maryland before 2011, and there was that time in 1956 when Maryland received 1.2 inches of rain in one minute – but I wasn’t born yet.

ScreenHunter_717 Sep. 19 04.15

Every single short term rainfall record in the US was set below 350 PPM CO2, but that doesn’t mean that Katherine Hayhoe shouldn’t continue to lie about it.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to How Much Does Climate Change Cost?

  1. Andy DC says:

    Those under 350 ppm thunderstorms of my youth in Maryland were kinder, gentler thunderstorms without the imput of evil, angry, gun toting, bible thumping, heteronormal, Republican white males who beat their wives, that we have today.

  2. Edmonton Al says:

    Tony, you can afford it with all that money you get from “big oil”. ;^D

  3. darrylb says:

    Well, it cost me so much more

    Deer once roamed only in the North of Minnesota. Now, due to
    a cooling planet (and I suppose healthy corn fields) deer are now
    much like free range cattle in Southern Minnesota

    Last week a doe, jumped in front of me in my vehicle going about 55 mph
    plus or minus. The second I saw her I new she was dead and the estimate
    for repairs turned out to be about ten grand.

    The deer laid on one side of the road, and pieces of the vehicle large enough
    so that traffic had to stop.

    Now, my wife on the other hand, about three years ago, chased a deer clear across
    a field just so she could hit it and get a new vehicle.
    Well, that’s my story anyway and I’m sticking to it 🙂

    • dmacleo says:

      heh in the fall (mid maine) we used to carry the plow on truck when dad driving to work just so we could get some venison.
      prior to the minute man mounts that became required for new plows here they were useful for that, no deer ever lived that would damage the older fisher plowplates and head mounts.

  4. Lance says:

    The overpowering heating around these parts have put a damper on my riding….last night, wind, rain, snow….so I drove my evil co2 vehicle around instead.

  5. Thirteen biljion years ago, sticks didn’t even exist. That’s how bad things have gotten.

  6. AndyG55 says:

    OT, but I can’t find a recent thread this seem to fit…

    Hopefully, the link below, and the probable removal of anti-competitive wind feed-in rules and subsidies, will see the end of the environmental devastation cause by the installation of wind turbines in the UK.

    Then someone has to clean up the decaying monuments to the non-alternative, non-energy, anti-CO2 stupidity that has held sway for the last couple of decades. You can bet it won’t be the scammers that took all the subsidies, they will have done a runner. !

    • Chris Barron says:

      Andy, you make it sound like wind turbines will be ‘turned off’ and left to rot.

      As I’ve already told you the conservatives are committed to reducing onshore wind subsidies at a rate of a few percent per year over the next few years, until there is no subsidy going to wind. Then, the great and the good at Westminster are committed to putting that saved money into other renewable energy projects instead ! Great news for renewables, thanks to Tory voters who thought they were ‘ending the madness’ (in their eyes at least)…they’ve all been duped….but…what’s new ?

      David Cameron giving support to his brainchild ‘Green Investment Bank’, based here in Edinburgh

      Far from being against renewables, the Tories are building banks for the green sector to thrive in.

      The first wind subsidy cut is due in May 2016, and all wind subsidies will have ended 3 years after. Andy, on what date do you expect the last wind turbine in operation get disconnected ?

    • Chris Barron says:

      05 November 2002

      British Energy’s £650 million loan of taxpayer’s money has been confirmed as illegal state aid by the European Commission. The UK Government’s rescue package to save the failed private nuclear generator from financial meltdown is already the subject of legal action in the High Court

  7. Menicholas says:

    Hey, lying is what she does. Hard to find a new identity at her advanced age.

  8. Interesting list of records. I wonder if there are similar records for other parts of the world. I have just looked at the daily rain record for Crohamhurst Observatory (near Brisbane Australia BOM station 40062 opened in 1892 and closed in 2004) for 1893. The rain on 3 Feb was 907mm (a little less than the US record of 1092mm), the 4 day record was 1963mm (beating the US record of 15733mm) and the record for the whole of Feb 1893 was 2999 mm (beating the US mainland record of 1817 mm). I have a feeling there must be other places in the world with high record rainfall. In Australia the highest rainfall I believe is in north east Queensland in the Tully region.

  9. I bought a Carbon Bike and received 2 Carbon Credit Coins for this GREEN purchase…

    The Coins have Al Gore’s Silouette on the front…

  10. Michael J Kelly says:

    Is anyone aware of actual data from the rest of the world that corroborates and confounds the assertion that extremes of precipitation were worse in the first half of the 2th century than they have been since?

  11. Michael J Kelly says:


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