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- Francis Barnett on “Arctic sea ice is headed toward a historic low”
- Francis Barnett on “Arctic sea ice is headed toward a historic low”
- Crispin Pemberton-Pigott on “Yes … definitely”
- Robertvd on “The Floridian quakes with apprehension”
- Bob G on Milton Propaganda
- Greg in NZ on “The Floridian quakes with apprehension”
- Bill on Milton Propaganda
- Francis Barnett on “The Floridian quakes with apprehension”
- Patrick Powers on Electricity Is Proportional To CO2
- Gordon Vigurs on Milton Propaganda
Daily Archives: May 24, 2015
Memorial Day Temperatures In Fort Collins Plummeting
It is ridiculously cold here in Fort Collins, and May 25 temperatures have plummeted five degrees over the past century. President Obama says that anyone who doesn’t believe his global warming lies, is a threat to national security.
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Comparing 1975 National Academy Of Sciences To 2015 GISS
In 1975, the National Academy Of Sciences published this graph, showing about 1°C warming in the Northern Hemisphere from 1885 to 1940, and that all 1900 to 1940 warming was lost by 1970. GISS has since reduced the 1885 to … Continue reading
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Desperate Lies From From Desperate Religious Fanatics
Brad Johnson calls heavy rain in Oklahoma “fossil fuel powered” He is referring to this: Data showed that Oklahoma City has measured its all-time wettest month ever recorded, as rain continued to fall, according to CNN meteorologist Sean Morris. By … Continue reading
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