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- Francis Barnett on “Arctic sea ice is headed toward a historic low”
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- Francis Barnett on “The Floridian quakes with apprehension”
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Daily Archives: May 6, 2015
Scientists Grant The Arctic Another Reprieve!
Scientists just granted the Arctic a reprieve until the year 2040! Arctic ice melting faster and earlier as scientists demand action | Environment | The Guardian They have been telling us the same story for about a century. In 1923 … Continue reading
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National Wildlife Federation Predicts Lake Superior Will Become Ice-Free In Winter
As Great Lakes ice soars to record levels, Michael Oppenheimer predicts they will become ice-free in winter. Global Warming and the Great Lakes – National Wildlife Federation A better question might be whether they will continue to be ice-free in summer.
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National Leader Announces That The Debate Is Over
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Pentagon Says Global Warming Will Kill Us In Nine Years
This is scary! Experts at the Pentagon warned in 2004 that global warming will kill us by 2024. Assuming Saddam’s WMD’s didn’t get us first. Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us | Environment | The Guardian
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The Precautionary Principle
Over the past decade I have had at least 10 cycling wrecks, been hit by several cars, and shot at on my bicycle. The precautionary principle says that I should never ride. Or get in a car. Or go in … Continue reading
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Tomorrow Afternoon
Orwell said “football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.” Barcelona vs. Bayern at 2:45! Pep returns to Camp Nou
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